From the Past, To You.

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Humans, are destructive, it has always been like that, unless a person learns to control themselves if they don't.. their own sanity will be in danger.

An idea that I always put in my mind, but how... How can a doll be this powerful..

Clutching my bleeding stomach I looked at Wulfric trying his hardest to just get close to the doll, it was useless.

One after another, the doll cast offensive magic spells disrupting both of us to get close to it.

Those eyes, her soulless eyes stared at us, deep down... I could see sadness from it...

How do we get close? I questioned myself as I dodged a magic arrow that almost went through my skull. This doll is not just your generic creepy doll..

Something more powerful most can we defeat it, at this rate! Both of us will disappea-

I got an idea...

Author's Note, I saw it when I read the book about Maria...

I need to think..I need to at least have an opening..

Humans are materialistic beings, I know that, its because I saw it for myself before.

"Wulfric! Cover me! I'll get close" crouching a bit, Wulfric understood my order, with that he draw aggro for himself, he redirected all of the attack to himself by simply destroying a photo portrait in the room.

Now's my chance! Quickly closing the gap with the doll, I recited the same words in the Author's note of little Maria.

"I'll be there for you"

Just as quickly as I blinked I was no longer in the manor. Instead a field of flowers.


Standing on a field of flowers, I was left confused, I pieced the information I could gather and got to one conclusion, this is the state of the mind of the living doll.

Carefully looking around, I saw a girl just up ahead, a crown of flowers stop her head, yet her was of loneliness.

Slowly approaching her, she became cautious slowly backing away from me, from the looks of it, she's my age...could it be a represention of her mental state before?

Who knows, but I'm not here to hurt her.

Slowly speaking "Are you Maria?" I questioned with a gentle smile on my face, its always the gentle smile of someone that somehow eases a stranger..

It worked, she was no longer moving back..I gave her time to reply, after all we have enough time in this dreamscape.

Slowly answering my question

" correct..but..who might you be?" She questioned, I merely chuckled before answering her.

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