One Winter Night

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Winter, I looked at the window that was being clouded by snow, the year is officially ending, the cold wind can be felt even though inside the house, the incident about the Grimm.

happened two months ago, last I heard is that it was resolved, well I can see it very clearly...

Guards, a lot of guards were patrolling the parameter, maybe father called them for help, after all, Apathy Grimms are always in a pack. But moreover, the world is quiet.

It was probably because of the cold snowy weather everyone is experiencing, or it could be because they were celebrating something.

Going downstairs I saw my father talking with one of the patrol guards, I hid just behind the railing of the staircase, I could faintly hear what they were saying.

"According to some reports, the A pack of Apathy were subdued a couple weeks ago" The guard said

"Does that mean, that the issue is solved?" Father questioned

"I could not say it has been solved, but if we talk about the dwindling numbers of Grimm in the area, then it is solved." The guard Reassured father

"I long will all of you stay here, after all, the issues have been solved." Father questioned the knight

"My company and I could stay until the end of winter to assure the safety of your child, old friend" he replied with a loud laugh

"Well then, thank you for taking my request for help, Markus" I can see that father is happy based on his tone

"Anytime, old friend, anytime" said the Knight, before I heard footsteps leaving the house.

With that I showed myself, before asking my father.

"The issues been solved father?" I questioned feigning innocence, after all I just eavesdropped the recent conversation.

"Oh! Didn't see you there little star" he said with a smile before he went up to me and patted my head.

"As for the issues, yes it has been solved, you can have a good night rest now little star." He assured while smiling.

I returned the smile before hugging him.

"Thanks, dad" what I said was true to my heart, I guess you could say I've grown attached with my parents here.

"Alright, alright, let's go and check on your mother, she's cooking in the kitchen right now!" He said cheerfully before giving me a hand, an invitation for a piggyback ride.

I guess, moments like this are to be treasured, I took his hand before he put me into his shoulders with a smile.

With that, both of us checked on mom.
Currently she is cooking, and both me and father were just spying, but I guess she knows...


Both of us froze when a knife got thrown in our direction, missing us by an inch.

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