Start of the Beginning

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Wulfric's pov

At first, when master summoned me in this world he was just a child.

And now, he grew up to be a capable individual, I am proud that he is my master...but something's been bothering me for a while...

After the incident that happened two years ago, his personality completely changed, his normally carefree and almost nonchalant way of going into danger was replaced by caution and calculative movements..

I'm sorry I failed to protect you during that time..master I'll do my best to protect you more carefully now.

After all, I'm your heroic spirit, but I did some investigation a while back, asking his parents about anything before I was summoned.

The time before you turned five years old, when you were four years old you left the house without saying anything, and your parents saw you covered in dirt and blood...Grimm blood...and the way you looked back then...your father describe it briefly but.. he said..

"His eyes were cold and almost piercing my soul...I don't know why that moment..I knew...he wasn't the same son I have..."

At first it was weird how you cannot remember this memory, perhaps it was merely because you wanted to forget about it.

But it seems it has a darker truth.. countless times I've asked you if you remember anything during your time as a four years old.

Strangely you always answer "no" if that was the case..then I believe we have a problem...

I don't know how I will solve it, but I will ask for help from your parents master, I hope you will allow me to do that...

And I hope... your good nature will be the one to prevail...


He spaced out again during sparring, might as well snap him out of it.

"Wulfric!" I said while I snapped my fingers in front of him.

"My apologies master, let's continue training" he stated as he readied his stance.

"After this sparring training will end today" I said, I readied my stance as well.

If I can't beat him here, then I'll be ashamed to be called his master.


With a quick step I appeared in front of him blade at ready, he parried causing me to be pushed back a bit.

I countered stretching my dominant hand to hit him, he dodged.

Closing the gap it was near instant, key word "near" I countered back with my own hit pushing him backwards.

"Your shoulders are stiff Wulfric" I briefly said before closing the gap again.

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