To see the world

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Ever since I've been in this world, I am always urged to play outside, to be honest, I only see the world based on my own vision.

Dull, colorless, soundless. A vision of what I see, I've been so focused on working things inside the house my parents were worried about me.

But this time...I want to go outside.

"I'm alright dad, after all I'm with Wulfric, besides I want to go out and play" I smiled, he was worried about my safety, he is always like this whenever I act out of a box.

"Are you sure you're alright? I know you have Wulfric but.." he looked at Wulfric before back at me.

I walked over to him, and hugged him. After a while, he returned the hug, with a smile.

"Alright, just make sure not to go far alright?"

"I will!" Reassurance..I am thankful for my family, I'm thankful for them, with that out of the way, mother requested me to return before midnight, I obliged.


Standing Infront of the door, I gripped the doorknob with a deep breath.

I opened the door.

The scent of fresh air wafted over my nose, the sound of birds chirping were music to my ears, and the trees, the grass...

The world is colorful

As I step foot outside I couldn't help but roam around aimlessly with a smile on my face, this was what I'm missing in my previous world.

A world colorful and bright. I want to be outside a bit more.

"Look, Wulfric, it's a hummingbird!" I pointed at the hummingbird sitting on a tree branch, he carefully got the hummingbird before presenting it to me.

"Thank you" I gently put the hummingbird on my palm before patting its head and letting it go.

I noticed that my house was only surrounded by a green plateau with a small forest just upfront.

This feeling, I feel like a child that just got his favorite, it made chuckle y the thought of it.

Continuing my little journey, I made my way towards a large tree just a few steps ahead.

The tree, it was large and sturdy, I could tell, it was there for a long time. I touch its tree bark before closing my eyes, allowing mother nature to at least embrace me.

And she did, moments after I felt in peace as I sat down the grass, Wulfric he was still standing but from the looks of it, he is looking up to the sky, does he have a past? Who knows, what's important is I want to have a peaceful moment.

But I guess it will be short.


Right before I knew it, Wulfric grabbed me effectively dodging something.

Opening my eyes, I saw the cape of Wulfric swaying, he protected me? From..whom?

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