Lessons in Sword fighting.

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Two days after the whole incident, Fujimaru started training me in Sword fights.

Without a doubt, he is a master swordsman, even Wulfric was impressed based on his first impression of him.

But enough of that, training is difficult, and I'm not even joking about it.

"Raise your hands a bit more!" Fujimaru said, arms crossed, while he was watching me swing a wooden sword.

"Ca-can we, At least! Have a break!" I said while swinging the wooden sword in between.

"10 more minutes" Fujimaru replied, oh god 10 more minutes?!?!?

I looked at him with a deadpan face before I continued swinging the sword.

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With the final swings done, 10 minutes passed, dropping the wooden sword to the ground, I stumbled making me sit on the ground, tired, I looked at Fujimaru, who just came back with water and food, he gave me the water before both of us started eating.

My birthday is soon, after winter I'll be seven years old, although I still have a literal month to go through I think I'll manage.

"Alright, break time's over" Fujimaru stood up dusting himself off before he got a wooden sword.

"Seriously?!? I just started eating!" I protested, but instead of him understanding he picked up my wooden sword before he started swinging it in the air countless times.

"Tell me when you're done eating, we'll continue" he said.

Thank God, I focused on eating to get as much energy as I could before we continued practicing.

The art of swordplay, it has been in the world for many years, a lot of people have managed to master it, but only few have truly learned it, and Fujimaru is one of the only few that managed to understand it fully.

"Seems like you got used to swinging, then it's time, let me show you sword fighting styles!" He said enthusiastically as I focused on the styles he was gonna use.

"Feel free to let me know what style do you prefer!" He said, I nodded before waiting for the demonstration.

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Fujimaru requested Wulfric to assist him with demonstrating before he created a wooden longsword from the sidelines.

Wulfric agreed as both of them went into position.

Wufric strikes first but Fujimaru dodges.


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