The Living Doll

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Three years, it has been three years since sensei left, all I could say is my progress is steadily growing, with the help of Wulfric I managed to enhance my skills further, I gotta say, He is a good sparring partner and tutor.

Now that it has been three years, I'm officially ten years old, 5 more years until I become a teenager here.

With one final swing from my wooden sword, I ended the session, Wulfric walked over and gave me water before I chugged it in one gulp.

Now moving on, apparently there's this abandoned house just nearby my area, it was more of a ruined manor than an abandoned house.

Rumours from some passing travelers and guest said that the house was haunted by a ghost.

And if one set foot without being prepared.

They won't be seen again.

But, I don't believe it at all, I need to see it myself to confirm.

Even though I'm only 10 years old, curiosity still runs in my mind, so why not go and investigate?

Of course they're gonna be worried about me, but I can sneak out at night though.

But its also a challenge I guess, after finishing up the training session we went back to the house and waited for the day to pass.

We'll be infiltrating once night falls, that's when we're gonna go to the mansion.

Yes, I'm very serious about it.

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Night falls, and my parents are asleep, confirming that they are asleep, I went to my room to gather some things.

"It should be here somewhere..." Currently I'm trying to find the necklace sensei gave me.

"Ah, found it!" I whisper shout, I put on the necklace before going out the house.

Wulfric followed closely behind, his footsteps were muffled and quiet, guess that's the skill of an expert.

We reached the mansion, dilapidated, filled with moss and vines, it really is a abandoned mansion.

Slowly Opening the main gate, I could hear loud creaking from the rusted main gate.

Arriving at the main door, I looked at Wulfric before nodding my head. My decision was unchanging, with that.

I opened the door of the mansion.

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The door has been left open, letting some eery aura enter the mansion, it was strange how such a quiet and seemingly ruined mansion has objects that were still as fresh as mint.

I'm talking about the large family photo that greeted us when we arrived here.

A father, A mother, and finally a daughter. All of them were smiling, it was your typical family portrait.

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