The Grimm Hole

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There's a legend about a breeding ground of Grimm just near the small town outside of Vacuo.

Coincidentally in also temporarily staying at our vacation house outside Vacuo.

In that case, I can investigate if the rumors are true or not...

Time to have some interesting discoveries then! I know I wanted to live an average and normal life in this world...but that's gonna be when I'm fifteen so why not have fun during childhood?

And that's exactly what I'm doing right now, many people will judge, but fun is something, only yourself can do, each of us have different hobbies and interests.

And my interest is knowing the lore of the world.

"Come on Wulfric! Just a bit more!" I said excitedly running towards the mysterious hole deep inside the forest outside.

Wulfric caught up quite quickly,with a leap I tried jumping into the hole not knowing anything, but luckily he caught me mid air, suspending my advancement towards the hole.

"Master, I'm afraid I can't just let you jump alone, follow my lead." He said before he jumped down, I followed suit.

Its fun, really fun... Ignore the fact that I'm being chased by a swarm of Grimms, the wind feels nice!

Alright that's enough, time to start retaliating!

Planting my both of my feet to the ground, I stand with a sharp stick I got while going down the hole.

Let's see if I still remember one skill Fujimaru taught me

"Firmly plant your feet to the ground, in youf dominant hand wield your rapier, with your second hand determine the size of each enemy...and with one quick power full throw..."

Steadying my breathing and gathering my strength.

A perfect timing is what I need...



Like a bolt of lightning, the sharp stick I threw with all of my force, pierced half of the Grimm swarm giving me room to escape.

A few moments after Wulfric and I jumped into the Grimm hole, we got separated due to one massive serpent Grimm thing.

I managed to arrived to the location where we parted ways albeit temporarily only.

"" I questioned myself as I looked around, large claw marks and a crated the size of a small building...what happened..

Closely examining each and every damages that happened, I traced it back to...

The farthest corner of the Grimm hole, maybe..yeah he should be there.

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