Just a Normal Cooking chapter

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Y/n's POV

I'm 13 years old now, that means I can finally be alone in the house! Finally I can cook for myself.

I gathered everything I could to cook my favorite food, it is time to try and cook!

Readying the cooking utensils, I eagerly cleaned each and every one of the utensils I'm gonna use.

First, let's cut the garlic, with quick precision, I managed to cut them cleanly and properly, I didn't cry.

Smiling inwardly, I put the garlic in a small plate, before moving on and going to the next ingredient.

Potatoes! Trying to contain my excitement, I put the potato down and started peeling it, before slicing it to bits.

I feel a bit of pride while making the dish, clearly I was foolish enough to not know who was giving me all the utensils.

"Kitchen knife" I held out my hands while someone gave me a kitchen knife, wait...I thought I was the only one in the hou—

"Kitchen knife!" The person handing me utensils said.

"AHHH!" very much shocked I screamed before backing away quite a lot of distance, there I saw none other than the doll...

Waving and greeting me..

"Hello Y/N!" The doll, or 'she' said with
Imaginary stars in her eyes.

"Wha— how?!?!" I said shocked and confused, I know she can cast spells and move a bit before in the mansion but this whole vibe is different!

Gone was the eerie nature she gave instead it was replaced by one of happy and curious nature.

Some time passes before I completely calm down with the situation, especially after weighing the pros and cons.

"Now then my trusty sous-chef! Cut it with passion!" I said, dramatically, before 'she' repeats the last words I said.

"With passion!" Over and over again, while cutting the raw beef with excitement.

Excellent work! I could only think of that as both of us started teaming up to make the dish.

Well...it can be considered weird due to the fact both of us fought each other three years ago and now...yeah we're acting like friends, which in this case is..I mean I can't technically argue with it.

"Y/N! I'm done with the raw beef, where do I put it?" She asked before she showed me the raw beef that she cut.

"To the pan it goes!" I said while pointing at the pan on the turned off  gas cooker.

As for the current situation for now, the cooking is successful buuuuttt...

Looking around the kitchen, I chuckled nervously as I looked at the mess her and I made just to cook food...

Burnt failed cooking, plates dropped...an ungodly amount of sugar wasted on the floor...salt emptied...

"...how do we fix this...haha..." Why yes I'm worried about myself, because I'm about to die when my parents knock on the door...

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