Chapter 20

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- Trinity -

"Soo. How's everything?" My mom asked.

I laughed bitterly. How's everything? after all this years thats what mom can only asked, how ironic as if nothing happen. As if years doesn't pass by. She's our mother and only, where is she all this time?!

She stared at me. I know my mom is a very strict woman. "Everythings fine.." I said sarcastically.

Adam glared at me. I just rolled my eyes.

What? What did I do? Can't be sarcastic after all this years?

"As far as I know, you're living together?"

We nodded.

"Why don't you go back in here?" I looked at her. "We're back for good now.."

What?! For good? What worst could happen right?

"I don't think thats a good idea.." I said while playing with my fingers. "I've got school and its far from here and besides my apartment is near my school, uhm.." I look at Adam then talk."Why don't you Adam move back in here? Its a nice idea right?" I smiled at him.

He chuckled. Then shook his head. "I want to but no.. I wont let you go again. And what you'll go fool around again. Not gonna happen."

Ugh. I rolled my eyes. He's really pain in the arse.. Why can't he just leave me?! I live on my apartment peacefully before. "Whatever." I muttered to him.

My dad cleared his troat. My gazed on him. "Trinity, why don't you just move back here.. We can transfer you into different university and you won't have to pay the bills anymore.."

I think thats a good idea, but Hans already pay my bills and Troy is back, how can I see him if I live here again? My parents won't allowed me nor Adam. Ugh.

"I'll think about it.." I muttered.

"Fine fine." My mom stands up and motioning us to go to the dining table to have some lunch. We just nodded then follow her.

I'm not used to this treatment, mom and dad are always away because of our business. We were never a family. Dad is always barking at the phone while mom always contacting some people I don't know why and then Adam have some people that call him boss. And me I'm just Trinity. Clearly I don't want to get in into this business. I don't like that.

My thoughts got cut off when my mom talks. "Adam how is the business in here? They say you're not handling it well. Whats happening?" Her voice calm.

Adam wipe his lips before answering her. "Ah, yeah. Its just a little problem. But don't worry its nothing."

I wonder whats the problem.. But its not that I care, first of, I don't want to be involve. Second, follow the first.

She just nod. Then her attention is now on me. "Trinity, Its been years.. You're grown up now.."

Obviously, I'm a lady now. How can she know, if she doesn't care..

"Yeah.." I muttered. Dropping the conversation that she's trying to imply. Then continue eating my food.

Well, mom's cooking is still the best.

We eated silently. No one dare to talk. I don't know, maybe we're just not used to each others company. After eating we stay for more hours, just keeping the tension down. Dad start rambling about business. Then mom and Adam, just nodding, giving their opinions.

While me, just listening to them.

Bored to be exact.

After a while we settled onto the living room. Sitting and watching some movie on netflix.

Just before my phone went off. So I grab my phone and look at the caller ID. And to see that its Troy. I jumped up of my seat, walked fast to the bathroom and locked myself there. Before I answered the call. My palms are getting sweaty, because what if Adam do what he do last time. I mean I know I said that I will fight this time for Troy. But yet better be careful than sorry.

"Hello?" I sighed. Ten seconds pass still no response so I look again at my phone and see that it was still there.

"Hello?" I repeated. No response again.

"Okay, Bye." Just when I about to hang-up I heard him sighed and call my name.

"Trinity.." My body shiverred. When he calls my name Its literally give me feels.

I miss him. I really do. My Troy.

"Hmmm.." I mentally slap my self for being so dumb.

"I-I just miss you.." His voice cracking. Is he crying? "I know you're not home. And you're with your parents but,.. I just want to hear your voice." Ohhh, my everly sweet Troy.

"Uh-uh.. Troy why do you sound husky? Are you crying? Or you'd just woke up?" I ask him while tapping my hands on the tile of the sink.

He cleared his voice then talked again. " No, I'm not crying. Im just sad cause I haven't been with you for so long.." My heart broke. All this time I thought Troy is already gone. I tried moving on, but him still into me.. They say love doesn't last but look at us. For me its weird that you still love somebody even years past and you don't see him/her.

"Ohhh, I miss you too. And I swear when I got back we'll be catching up.." I cheer him up hoping that what I said will make him feel better.

His voice lit up. I swear I can imagine his face smiling. Pretty face. Ohhh. "Is that a date?" Then he smirked.

"No.." I said. Then he sighed. disappointed I can tell. Just even a breath and I can already know what he feels. How good our connection to be like this. Its like he's my other half. What he feels, I feels.. "Of course, its a date!" Then I laughed.

"I knew it is!"

So we talked about random things like reminiscing our memories together before we forcefully split together.

A knock on the bathroom door, Interups are conversation.

"Trinity?" Ohh, thats Adam's voice. "You're literally inside there for two hours.. What's going on? And are you talking with someone. Cause I hear your voice from here."

Oh damn. What should I say. I bit my lip and stomp my feet on the ground. I look around the bathroom to see what aliby can I tell. But unfortunately nothing helps.

So I just answer him. "What? Okay, I'll be going out in a minute." I said.

I hear his footsteps away. Then reminded that Troy is still on the phone.

"Ohh, Troy.. I'll be going now. I didn't know that we're already talking that long. So see you when I got back.." I'm smiling, cause just thinking that I can be with him again is such a wonderful thing.

"Sure hun. Just call me when you got back, and its so great talking to you like this again. Like old times.."

I bid my goodbye then hang up.

"Like old times." I muttered to myself then walked out of the bathroom. And into the living room again.

They look at me with an confuse look. I just shrugged and sitted where I sit before Troy called and watched with them like nothing happened. Well this turn out to be a great day after all.




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