Chapter 7

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A/N: You guyysssss! This story has only been published for a week and a half and I already have over 1,000 reads on A03... THANK YOU!!!!

It means so much that you all are loving the story! Definitely a huge motivator in getting me to write faster! 


Scarlett's POV


"You are just the cutest guy in the world!" I coo lovingly, as Nyx rolls around on the blanket next to me. Enjoying the beautiful weather he seems to want to try and bask in any patches of sunlight he can find being cast through the branches of the tree above us.

Taking out a few of the baby toys Mor packed in the bag she brought today, I rattle them to gain his attention and he focuses back over to me, his little wings shifting around as if his instincts to fly to the toy want to kick in.

Suddenly realizing how quiet it's gotten in the past few minutes, I take my eyes off the youngling as I look over to see both Az and Mor watching me silently. "What?" I ask, feeling a bit awkward under both their intense stares.

"Nothing." They answer at the same time, small blushes covering both their cheeks. Okay... being weird... did something happen between them that I missed?

"You know you don't have to stay." I remind them like I do every time Mor brings Nyx over, trying to encourage Azriel to take her out properly. "I can watch him while you go do something."

"That's okay." Mor speaks quickly, waving her hand. "But I do actually need to get going soon."

"I'll grab that book I told you about." Az states, standing and running into the house.

Standing myself, I collect Nyx's toys before picking him up and passing him over to Mor. "You're so good with him." She speaks softly, accepting him back into her arms. "Thank you so much for all your help with watching him."

"It really isn't a bother." I smile, a bit more genuine now that I've gotten a little closer with the female during her frequent visits. Still don't really see what Az likes about her... personality wise she's pretty bleh...

"Um, I was wondering, perhaps as a thank you we could go to Rita's tonight?" She laughs to herself, adjusting her grip on the child in her arms. "I think I owe you quite a few drinks for the hours you've put in."

Yes! Perfect opportunity for Az to show off his fun side!

"Sounds great!" I quickly accept, already mentally planning out the perfect outfit for the Shadowsinger to wear.

"Wonderful!" The blondes smile increases brightly as her brown eyes seem to sparkle under the setting sun. "See you there at 10:00."

Nodding silently, I leave her in the garden as I immediately race inside and up the stairs, passing Az in the parlor as he looks for the book. Entering his room, I am once again reminded of how impersonal it is, but ignore the thought as I walk straight for his closet.

Shuffling around for a few minutes I pull out a few different looks I think may work before I finally hear a throat clearing behind me. "And you are going through my clothes becasuseeee?"

"Beacasueeee." I mimic his drawn out tone as I turn to look at him. "We are going to Rita's with Mor tonight."

"Really?!" His eyes light up, making me smile.

"Really. Now come here and try these on." I hold out three different shirts I found hidden in the back. "We need you to ooze sexiness tonight."

Rolling his eyes, he grabs the shirts before walking to his bed and throwing them down. Without warning he pulls his top off over his head and I can't even try turning my eyes away as I take in the sculptured muscles along his chest. Oooo the Mother has blessed him in all the right ways.

Inferno: Azriels Unexpected Love - Azriel x Female OC - ACOTARWhere stories live. Discover now