Chapter 11

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A/N: So two things real quick, First off, a GIANT thank you for making this my most successful story on A03!!!

Secondly, to show my appreciation for all your comments and votes, I'll be working hard to get three chapters posted for you this week!!!


 Scarlett's POV


"What is it?" I ask dryly as I see Rhysand continuously glancing in my direction every few seconds.

"A bit cold isn't it?" His violet eyes bounce to me once again before looking back at the snowy path in front of us.

Stifling my laugh, I realize Az must have told him how I can create warming bubbles around me. "And here I thought you'd want to tough out the cold to show these males who's boss." I gently tease glancing around the various Illyrian houses scattered through the town.

"In front of the males sure... but the walk there..." He draws out his words before moving his hands to gesture towards me.

Rolling my eyes, I push out enough power to surround the High Lord beside me. A satisfied smile falls on his lips and I bite my tongue from making a snarky comment. "Why'd you ask me to come with you?" I finally question, having found it odd that he requested me to join him today.

"You haven't had a chance to see any of the Illyrian settlements outside of Windhaven." He glances at me with a more serious expression. "And this incident is something I wanted you to see."

"What happened?"

"A barbaric tradition that we've been working on ending for a long time... you've seen Emeries wings..." I recall the scars that travel across them and nod. A fire begins to light in my belly as the idea of what this 'tradition' may entail surfaces. "Her father's doing... I'm sure you've become aware of how misogynistic traditional Illyrians are... well they also believed in severing a female's wings."

The air around me heats as the snow starts to melt under my footsteps. "It happened again?"

"Almost happened." He stops walking and places a hand on my shoulder that I'm sure is uncomfortably hot to the touch. "Someone interfered and stopped it before it occurred... The initial incident was handled by Cassian last night, but I want to return this morning so those who witnessed the attempt realize that you can be rewarded when stepping out against wrongful traditions that are now illegal."

I strain to bring in my fire as I take a calming breath. "You're giving out rewards, huh?"

He smirks, resuming our walk. "The boy who interfered was only 17, I will be granting him some land and a title."

"And you want me here as a female presence." I confirm, noting that if only Cassian and Rhysand are spotted then the idea of bringing females up as equals won't be seen as a serious idea.

"Yes... and as a reminder that other courts respect Night. You are clearly Autumn, and your power is obvious." He glances back at the melted portion of snow left behind us. "If someone steps out of line while we are here, then I want them to see just how strong Night's fiery female ally can be."

"You okay with casualties?" I question, a wicked expression on my face at the idea of ending those who wish to harm the females here. I imagine once we begin reforming Autumn there will be a number of males with similar attitudes.

"I'd prefer it be avoided, but if they attack, do what you feel is best... I trust your judgment."

My eyes shoot to the High Lord as I take in his statement. He... trusts my judgment?

Inferno: Azriels Unexpected Love - Azriel x Female OC - ACOTARWhere stories live. Discover now