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A small quiet village, not too many people, a small amount some would say. A chance to get some information on this monster, to see where it resides.

You stuck out like a sore thumb, clothing much more fancier compared to the villages poor attire, eyes following you as you walked towards a man, covered in a cloak, letting out a raspy chuckle the guy leaned on his table. "What'ddya need.. stranger?" The merchant announced, grin covered finger tapping at the cloth covering his table. Saying Stranger as if you were some old friend.

Your hand reached into your pockets grabbing a handful of coins- a large sum some would say. "Got any information on the swamp monster that resides here?" Your face was stoic, staring at the blue eyes that narrowed solely on the coinage you were carrying before letting out a chuckle. "I do." He nodded, holding his hand out for you to dumb the gold in. You did just that, ignoring the loose coins that dropped from his hand as he pocketed the money, leaning on the table again, getting close up to you.

"Comes in at night, some say 'it' likes to blend in, pick the people on the streets off with ease–" the man cut himself off coughing into his mask before clearing his throat. "Others say 'it' only comes at night because it is ashamed of what it's become.." that last sentence caught your interest as you waited, expecting him to continue before groaning, knowing exactly what he wanted. You reached back into your coin pouch, grabbing another handful and dumping it into his hand.

He continued on, his eyes creasing, a tell sign that he was grinning at the weight in his hand. "Folklore says that the monster 'round these parts was a normal person like me n' you mate." A chuckle escaped his lips. "Something or someone changed him, created him as this monster that roams around the swamps at the dead of night." He grabbed the loose coins in the table pocketing them before looking back up at you. "Iny guessing you're tryna hunt it?" His fingers tapped once more, seemingly amused.

You raised a brow. "Is it that obvious?" Your sarcastic tone made him snicker. "Is that all mate?" He asked, eager for more of what you had to offer.

"Yeah." You waved him off as he chimed up. "See you soon.." his eyes followed you as you walked away, having mostly all the details you needed.

Leaning forward, eyes squinted as you tried to see ahead of you, the dark- not to mention the wind blowing into your eyes, having to blink every so often, your hands gripped the reins to your horse tightly, pulling it to slow her down. "Here seems good." You muttered to yourself, eyes scanning the dark swamp, hopping off of your horse, you hitch her up, giving her a few scratches to calm her down before continuing onwards, lantern in hand as you held it in front of you, shoes squelching the ground with each step you take no matter how quiet you truly try to be.

Your other hand slowly travelled down your side, down your hip towards the back of your thigh, you unsheathed your engraved blade, ears open to any sound that might befall upon you in the dark silent area.

Night time, nearing sunrise no doubt, a time where monsters were desperately on the hunt for a feast If not having found one.

Your steps were slow - precised in the movements,  keeping an eye out for any traps or creatures.

Though, despite your sharp eye and alertness, you had noticed the thing stalking up behind you, a wet long deep red tongue came out of its mouth, licking over the void of black where is lips were, drool dripping down its jaw as it stared at you silently, lankly lips moving swiftly behind you, rating hidden by trees and bushes whenever you'd shine that damn later towards him.

A black water like substance dripped from its arms stalking you silently, a keen eye.

You stepped through muddy water that soon turned deep, the water now being up to your waistline, mucky swamp water wetting your pants/skirt?/dress?/shorts? The possibility of an alligator within the waters made your breath slightly hitch as you scanned the black water for any signs of movement , keeping your hands above the water while trudging through it, you could feel the mud sinking slightly under your weight, as you approached the other side of the water the water levels lowered as you appeared on the other side- now far away from your horse with the creature stalking you.

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