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You didn't know where to meet Chris, seeing as though the man didn't specifically say where to meet. You just decided that he could find you.

He definitely knew where to find you, he somehow always knew, like the damn stalker he is.

A grumble left your lips as you skulled down the liquor, no sips no lip smack, only chugging down everything untill all drops were gone. Needing for the awful thoughts to go away that would most certainly plague your night of sleep if you weren't piss drunk.

Four more drinks were delivered to your booth as you were quick to skull them down, you could already sense the moth that would be flying out of your soon to be empty sack of coins, not to mention your already rumbling stomach that filled up rapidly with bitter tasting ale, no food in sight. A consequence meant for tomorrow.

You let out a burp, wiping your lips as you ignored the man accompany by a woman that plopped down In front of you. You grab ed another tankard, downing it before slamming it down once more, eyeing the last one.

"Did you do it?" Chris asked, eyeing your hand that looked scarred/clean of any wounds(?) as it gripped the metal handle of the cup, lifting the liquid up and skulking it once more, tongue flicking out to get the remainder. "Fuck no, take your money back, of whatever the fuck.." the effects of the rather stronger booze already fucking with your senses as you waved over to the bar maiden for another round.

The woman besides Chris stayed silent, eyeing you with a stone cold gaze that admittedly made you blush. "Why not?" The blush was wipped away as you turned your head towards Chris, eyes slightly dropping. "because.."

"Because?" The curious tone made your eyes open just a tiny bit, a slight anger flared up in your chest at the question.

"Because I fucking said so." You glared tongue running over your teeth as your eye involuntarily twitched, mumbling a quick yet polite thank you to the bar maiden that scurried off to take more orders.

The girl beside him, Jill. Didn't seemed amused by your snark, she stayed silent, letting her friend handle this however he wanted.

Chris let out a sigh, drumming his fingers on the table as you relaxed on your seat, extremely determined to get black out drunk and hopefully get home safe. "You shouldn't be drinking so much, can cause a lot of health issues for someone as young as yourself." Chris changed the topic, noticing the agitated look and behaviour towards him, though. The man didn't seemed to mind it, rather getting flustered at the way you growled at him, metaphorically. Of course, he knew if he didn't get on you good side rather then your grumpy side, he wouldn't be able to get anywhere mission wise with you.

"I can smell the stench of tobacco on you, you can't be talking jack shit when cigarettes don't do your health any good neither." You gulped down another mouthful, already down to your last one, you vision already blurring. "I'm done with this conversation." You huffed throwing down a tip for the poor maiden that had to deal with you, along with paying for your drinks you chugged the rest down, pushing it down on the wooden table with a clack. Stumbling away as both Chris and Jill looked at one another. Chris only let out a sigh as he signalled for Jill to help him follow you.

Just a drunken fool that missed a step on their way out, knocking themself out cold. Don't walk and drink kids...

A groan left your lips, hand reaching up to pat at the sore spot in your head, the feelin' of a small lump forming already making a head ache arise.

The area wasn't what you expected, maybe you were expecting the side of the tavern with everything valuable to your very own shoes stolen, or maybe your wonderful horse having dragged you back to the shack you call your home.

What you definitely didn't expect was the fact that you were surrounded by four walls that didn't look like your own. Cold stone that lightly protruded from it spot, luckily you were chained. Or else the jokes would be relentless to your captive.

Then again you being kidnapped would've given you enough ammo.

What you least expected was to see Chris.

"What the fuck man?" You angrily asked as he lifted his head up, attention now on you as you stayed sat in his chair. "Glad your awake."

"Damn... I thought you were a vanilla typa guy, kinky I guess, paint me like one of your french girls huh?" You scoffed under your breath as Chris looked at you in shock.


"You heard me.."


Im genuinely about to start foaming at the mouth, IVE READ EVERYSINGLE RESIDENT EVIL, DEVIL MAY CRY, JOHNNY SAWYER, DETROIT: BECOME HUMAN AND RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 BOOK, ONESHOT, SCENARIO, IVE USED UP ALL OF THE BITS ON C.AI AND CHAI, IVE EVEN WENT THROUGH ALL DIFFERENT WEBSITES, FANFIC.NET QUOTEV, WATTPAD, TUMBLR ECEN FUCKING AO3, I GOT SO FUCKING DESORATE I GOT SO FUCKING DESORte tHAT I WENT BACK TO KY ANIME PHASE, I DONT WANT THIS JO MORE, WHAT THE FUCK MAN. LET ME BACK IN THE RESUDENT EVEIL FANDOM OLS OLS PLS IM ACTUALLY TWEAKING I'm resorting to reading my own fucking books I'm going to start nibbling on my own books I'm that desprate, this is a cry for help, I'm fried of any ideas for new fanfictions, I've been writing smut just to get the ideas flowing while adding limp dick jokes, time to quit Wattpad ☹️💔(last part is a joke)

RE cowboy au.
RE streamer au.
Yan var TCM.
Yan var evil within(?)
All coming soon😋

Posting this bitch in my birthday that way it gives me an excuse to not update for a month😈
(Updating very soon)

Non edited😞

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