136 9 19

It happened in a flash. The creaking of the old bedframe, the once neatly laid out black duvet now wrinkled up underneath his knees, one hand on the bed as he reached diver, fingers trailing along your jawline.

What in the hickory Dickory dock? An unpleasant shiver ran down your spine as the skin on skin contact didn't feel welcoming.

The vampire continued talking, the sight of his fangs peaking out each time his lips moved made your instincts jump up.

Is this sounding like one of those cringe vampire X readers? If so, good, that was the idea.

Instead of acting on impulse you continued to wait and wait... And wait. Even as the vampire talked, inching closer to your neck, almost salivating over the site of the smooth/scarred skin.

"Ohh, you smell absolutely Devine.." the vampires fingers traced along your jawline down to your neck, two fingers feeling at the pulse on the side. "Why're you so nervous? I bite sure but I do make it painless.." he taunted, grinning his pearly whites at you before pouting when you narrowed your eyes at him.

'On the count of three' you thought, fingers twitching once more.

"It's rude not to reply." You noticed how the man took a deep whiff in through his nose, chest puffing out before breathing out slowly through his mouth.


His hands traveled down your neck onto your shoulders, massaging them as he itched closer to your neck. "So sweet smelling, with a touch of sourness, such a great combination.." he licked his lips once more.


Acting boldly, the vampire leaned down, lips barely an inch away from your skin. Slowly he began to open his mouth.


In a swift motion, before he could sink his sharp blade like fangs into your skin, not letting it pierce into the flesh, you grabbed your dagger out of its sheath swiftly, spinning it around skillfully before slamming it into the man's side. Using your leg to boot him away like a horse. Once more you twisted your knife around skillfully the blood on the silver blade should be enough to satisfy Ada's troubles.

The vampire groaned, holding his side before huffing, giving you a certain look. "Sorry, don't exactly have time to play into your weird fantasies."

You looked over at the blocked door- which was your doing before looking around the room as the man began recovering.

You huffed, moving to the blockage of the door and tugging it out of the way. One, two, three, four- seven tugs was all it took for you to be able to squeeze past just as the vampire-Luis- got up. Faintly you heard him shout a name as you began sprinting away from the room, the only problem was how you were going to find a way out of the castle.

You were confused, getting lost in the corridors of the place, taking turns didn't help, it felt as though you were going in circles. The place large- almost intimidating.

And just like clock work you felt the presence of someone chasing after you. The wound of panting, heavy breathing feeling as though it was running down your back, playing your spin like a piano.

Skidding, you opened a door, spinning around to lock yourself in. Hoping and praying to whatever god/s above would give the room a window for you to reverse repunzel out of there.

As luck have it, the room was small, and lacked the necessary windows that you required. Well I did have windows, the problem was the bars covering it, the dark night sky still looming- and, is that a silhouette of a man?

You squinted your eyes, cautiously taking a step forward to get a better look, the silhouette seemed to follow your actions, taking a step forward, coping your movements as if it was a mirror.

You raised a hand slowly, the shadow copied, you tilted your head slightly in confusion, the shadow copied. Only when you reached for your knife did the candle flame suddenly flicker on, lighting up Luis pale complexion, the stab wound now gone, the only telltale signs was the bloodied shirt that had a hole in it.

"That wasn't so nice of you." Luis tsk's teasingly, taking a few steps towards you. You rounded away from him. "Want me to kiss it better?" Your sarcastic responded made his smirk face turn into a more or so annoyed smirk. "The kiss would be very welcoming." The response back made you roll your eyes.

This however, was a mistake, leaving you open to an attack, the split second you had your vision upwards whilst rolling them he was able to leap forward.

You both tumbled, you being the bottom as you tried keeping his face away, using this very affective trick- palm on the sweaty forehead of his.

"Can't you buy me a drink first? I prefer to be wasted while getting down and dirty." You said through gritted teeth as he chuckled. "Trust me- you'd wanna be sober." He was still clearly trying to get a taste of your "sweet n' sour" smelling blood.

It stayed silent, minus the few grunts you'd let out.

"You do not want to catch this garlic breath I'm telling you." You huffed, deciding your fate as you took one hand off of his head, grabbing at his hips- which thoroughly surprised him. Letting go of his head with the older hand you put both hands on the floor- to Luis it looked as though you were giving up, letting him get a taste of the oddly enchanting smell coming from your pulse points.

Unlucky enough for Luis however. You adjusted your legs, throwing your hips up against his, throwing him off of you in a swift motion before rolling over and crawling backwards before ultimately getting up.

"Should've asked how good I was with my hips before trying to suck me dry you filthy creature.." you panted, getting your knife ready one more. Luis was quick to retort, staying kneeled down a few feet away, trying to ignore the presence of a certain someone.

"Filthy creature? Didn't know you had such a way with words too." He smirked once more. "What can I say? I make people woo over me." You sarcastically replied, knowing you were a drink that would- from time to time- hit on the tavern keeper at the tavern you'd usually go to, nothing but a drunk that didn't get drunk enough for their own liking. backing up to the door you had already planned your escape. "May we meet again? Hopefully with me standing over your dead body?" You smirked before quickly running whilst he was still recovering.

(Y'all ain't ready for the next chapter 😈 Ada lovers stay tuned😋)

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