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You were in your own little world, thinking about the child, the innocent creature that you almost made an orphan out of.

Your hands had loosen their grip on the leather you used to steer your horse around, biting your lip every so often. You didn't realise when you had arrived In front of Ada's run down cabin.

You hitched your horse, dismounting her saddle before stepping up the creaky old, water damaged stairs. Hand curling into a fist as you pounded on the door. Wounds still not cleaned, though they were in the slow process of being scabbed over, blood drying over.

When you didn't hear the familiar clack of her heels you slammed your fist on her door again, this time more loudly, only stopping and taking a step down one of the steps when you did hear them.

You glared at the door as it slowly opened with Ada peeking out, not expecting to see your face-let alone your injured face. "You fuck.. why didn't you tell me?" you huffed out pushing the door open as you stepped in, walking over to the table you sat at not even two days prior.

"Tell you what exactly?" She asked closing her door, the familiar smirk tinted her red lips as she grabbed one of her many potions from a cabin.

You glared more, hands clenched, you sat on the chair facing the left, eyeing her curiously. "The fact that the beast you sent me out to kill-"

"I didn't make you do anything.." She put the potion In front of you while emphasising the 'I', opening the lid as the red cloud puffed up before diminishing. You grabbed the small bottle and gulped it down, ignoring the taste of strawberries and the slight burn in your throat.

"Suggested- convinced- whatever! The fact is, per your advice you sent me out to kill a creature–"

"That's your job?" She raised a brow, intervening again.

You gritted your teeth. "Quit cutting me off. Why didn't you mention that the creature had a child? A baby, googoo gaga bullshit!" You raised your brows while riding your eyes, wanting an explanation as Ada took the empty potion bottle away, turning towards her counter to do so. "You didn't ask." You could hear the smirk playing on her lips.

She turned towards you once more, narrowing her eyes with a teasing look. "Are you growing a soft spot for those creatures? The same type of creatures that killed yo–" you didn't like how much she knew about you, and that showed.

"You keep your mouth shut." You spat, glaring at her down as she shrugged, walking over to make herself a cup of coffee.

The clatter of her spoon against the bottom of the sugar pot only seemed to annoy you more "Can't keep avoiding the topic." Your eye twitched. "What the fuck do you know?" Grumbling like a child, you stormed out of her place, going straight towards your horse, unhitching her before mounting the saddle. the wound healing ever so slowly from Ada's potion that she offered on your arrival.

You continued to grumble to your horse, steering it in the direction of the town close to the kingdom, much further from the swamp.

"I need a drink.." alcoholic much?

Alcoholic indeed, one after another you ordered a tankard of ale, each one getting you more buzzed then before, coins after coins being given to the tavern maid, the maiden you had grown accustomed to, even knowing her by name.

"Rebecca? Another one, please.." you called out, not using a rude tone with her like you'd usually do to the people taking your drink order.

She nodded, going to drop off the goblets of wine ordered by a certain particular group of fancier people before going to grab you another tankard.

You finished your previous one handing her the big empty glass, diving into your pouch to pull out five gold coins.

She looked at the coins you handed her before looking up at you. "The Ales only two coins?" She smiled trying to hand back the extra two as you waved her off. "That's a tip." Though your speech was a little bit slur you were still able to think straight enough on knowing how much coins you gave her as you grabbed your tankard of ale, she thanked you before walking off, pocketing the three extra coins.

You took a gulp out of the bitter tasting liquid, feeling your head spin ever so slightly, gulping down another mouth full until it was empty. You needed to call out quits at this point, admiring the bar maiden for just a bit longer before standing up and stumbling around like a drunken fool, unsteady steps towards the exit of the tavern, you pushed the flaps of the doors only for someone to bump into you, slurring out an apology you stepped out.

"Looking a little drunk there." The man chuckled as you turned around to look at him.

"No offence sir -" you slurred, pointing at him while stumbling back ever so slightly. "but you look like some man's really bad looking big toe-" you had more to say, though you couldn't say it with you falling from the stairs when you sound around to walk down the steps, you landed face first into the ground. It was silent for a moment before the sound of you loudly snoring made the man look at you weirdly as he stepped fully into the bar

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