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(ALERT, ALERT SEVERE NSFW WARNING (kissing😰⁉️⁉️) never ever written a lips on lips kissing scene ever so I apologize 😣)

You had an unbelievable hangover. Head pounding along with nausea that never seemed to go away, the movements of your horse didn't help.

You drank to forget about what you could've done to that poor child, it worked for a little while- until it didn't.

The thoughts consumed you, the guilt- which only made the nausea worse, churning in your stomach like an extremely fast fairest wheel.

Like clock work you leaned over your horse, puking out your guts before heaving when nothing else came out. "Ms bucks-" you addressed your horse. "I don't feel so good..." You wheezed as your horse huffed.

Your horse continued to trot, breathing harshly through her nose causing a puff of hot hair that steamed up due to the cold air.

You were laid flat on your saddle- a not so comfortable experience, burying your face in your horse's mane. "You smell like shit.." and off you go, bucked right off.

You hitched your horse up to a branch, rubbing the back of your head as you gave her a few scratches with your other hand, scratching underneath Ms Bucks chin.

You reached over her saddle, grabbing the bow you had recently purchased a month prior, hands dabbing the arrows and putting them in your bag for safe keeping before finally stepping back.

You trudged through the forest, life decisions taking over your thoughts as you tried to find the large lake- where your next catch should be.

You lifted your leg, taking a step on the log before jumping down on the other side. Your footwear crunching on the fallen leaves, snapping a few twigs while you made your way down the hill.

You clenched your jaw as you spotted the lake. The book that you read about Sirens playing on your mind, deadly creatures. Luring whatever unfortunate soul that had the misfortune of listening to them singing, luring them in the water just to get mauled.

A song that could cast a spell on you, tainted lips letting out soft tunes in hope of a meal ready to be served.

"Fuck.." grunting as you almost fell on your tush, feet sliding down until you finally stood at the waters edge, your eyes scanning the beautiful clear water that turned a darker blue the more further you looked.

You walked along the shore, eyes scanning for the creature that lived in the depths.

Halfway across the shore you were finally able to make it towards the dock, feet stepping on the dry dark wood.

The caws of crows, flying from the castle that overlooked most of the villages/towns in the vicinity, casting an eerie atmosphere, a shiver running down your spine, jaw clenching tighter.

Your head snapped towards the water, away from the dark castle. Your eyes scan the ripples. "Oh, don't be a fucking dick." You could feel your heart pump loudly in your ears, cautiously you took a step closer, narrowing down at the water below, head once more snapping towards the water a bit ahead. Blond hair, slicked back peaking out. You furrowed your eyebrows, trying to get a better look.

Your breath hitched in your throat, seeing the reddish orange eyes of the siren,the bridge of his nose and up poking out from the water, scanning your figure.

Slowly the rest of its head emerged, a soft yet oddly flat noise coming from his mouth, a starting of a tune.

Your curiosity peaked. "..Hello?" You felt like face palming at the word you spoke, you could've said anything else, but couldn't? How come?..

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