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You were already running from the monster- not outside though, the creature had accidentally chase you in here. From the outside prospective the place looked small, so naturally you were thinking about how absolutely fucked you were. But lucky enough for you, it was quite large. No 'thats what she said' jokes pls😞

It was like a maze, you were panting quite heavily, heaving with your hands clutched to your pearls- metaphorically speaking of course.

It was hard to see as you entered another bit of the cave- noticing a slither of light that illuminated the pitch black inners of the cave, you could hear the echoing growl from the creature, the noise vibrating off of the empty cave walls, following by the dripping of the water.

Your hands grabbed onto the boulder that was securing it- moving the boulder inch by inch- with struggle, sweating as you finally opened it wide enough for you to squeeze through, trying to push it back in place from the other much brighter side of the boulder- you halted. Face turning pale as you heard it as you heard a high pitch giggle.

You closed your eyes before opening them and slowly turning towards the baby that sat up right, clapping it's hands together. The baby looked mostly like her father, blond tuffs of hair, the same gooey blackness dripping off of her hands. Pointy ears that twitched, the small sharp dagger like teeth growing through her gums.

"...hello?" You gave the child an awkward smile, seemingly having a fear of babies. The child stopped clapping, blankly staring up at you before beginning to cry.

And like the normal human being with empathy you are, you tried comforting the child.

"Hey- hey! It's okay, I'm not gonna hurt you– shh- shhh it's alright." You awkwardly picked the baby up, bouncing her up and down to calm her- it worked for a moment before she went back to crying. "Shh- shhh, look, look.. peek-a-boo!" You used one hand to cover your eyes before taking them off in the classic peek-a-boo fashion.

The baby went silent for a moment, giving you a weird look. "Peek-a-boo?" You said again, noticing that she stopped crying- but at the cost of you being judged by her. "Peek.... A... Peek-a-boo?" You said awkwardly, feeling slightly insecure at the stare. Gulping down the saliva only to snap your head, staring wide eye'd at the boulder that was easily pushed aside by the monster that had been chasing you.

"...this looks bad- I'm not tryna steal your baby I swear." Rather quickly you blurted out, talking to him as If he was some normal human being.

You and Ethan both stared at one another. "I was just playing peek-a-boo to calm her- I sound like a creep fu- I mean. Gosh diddly darn it?" You were beginning to sweat- was the money really worth it with how hard you were getting judged?

Moments passed before the creature started growling again causing you glared at it- still holding the baby that clutched her tiny little hand onto your nose, blabbing once more causing the creature to stop- it's ears perking up as he glanced between the both of you.

"... What?" You stopped as well, looking at him while ignoring the giggling child still nestled in your arms.

The creature stopped growling, calming down significantly, he was no longer showing his pearly whites to you. Small bits of fungi grew before being swipped off by the creature itself. A black mushroom dropping onto the floor with a wet sounding thud as he snickered while watching his oh so sweet baby played around with you.

"Why're you laughing, stop this madness.." you narrowed your eyes at him, your voice going funny due to the blockage of your nose.

Your feet began shuffling towards the exit, slowly lowering your body to put the child down. The creature growled angrily when you tried doing so- causing you to snap back up. "What? I wasn't doing anything!" The creature huffed- snorting through its nose as he sat down on the floor, staring at you expectedly, doing a once over with flicking his crimson red tongue over his pearly whites. Motioning for you to sit down.

"I would y'know but uh- y'know, haha I gotta skid-" you say right down when he gave you a blank stare, staring at you unimpressed.

"Come here often?" Your voice quivered out- you were now sat down In front of him, staring at him with an awkward look in your eyes, you patted your thighs in a rhythm. The creature- Ethan, snorted unamused by you, shifting his eyes down to his child that seemed a little to attached for your second short meeting.

He didn't even notice your hands snatching the black mushroom he had cut from his own body, hands pocketing the gooey sticky texture of the mushroom.

You stayed silent, watching the little girl climb out of your lap, giggling softly as she crawled to Ethan. He seemed far to occupied helping his child climb up onto him- and when he had looked up. You were gone, like Batman.

Ethan started growling, face pulled into a snarl before softening when his child made a noise, putting her hands on his face, he let out a sigh.

You were already running around the place, determined to find an exit before being found by the creature to be dragged back or eaten. A sense of guilt rising in your chest, you were, for the second time, going to kill that creature, knowing he had a child just for your own selfish gain.

You stumbled about, you couldn't do it, far to weak- too much of a pussy to kill a creature that killed many more.

"I can't do it-" you mumbled ever softly to yourself, finally seeing the cave exit, you didn't want to kill him, it wasn't fair to the child.

(I'm extremely excited to post all of these😋
Sunday, 21st/April, 3:44am

Im also in the process of trying to make this into a game, plot wise of course, designing the original characters is kicking my ass😣💔 this was like a silly lil Dookie page enjoy😽)

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