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(LARVAMARS MY LOVE I love that mf SO MUCH Bros feeding me and my sick delusion of Leon Kennedy😓 if you haven't seen their art look at her chubby Leon's posts, I beg 🙏🙏(their on Tumblr Larvamars))

The uncomfortable atmosphere was one sided, while you had flashbacks to the night you had slept with her despite hating every fibre of her being, it wasn't an ideal position to be in, but you still needed to get your job done.

"So... the weather right?" You awkwardly coughed as Ada walked around, grabbing potion after potion only to put them back down, freezing momentarily to look at you. She seemed dazed, almost in her own little world, which wasn't usual, she was always on guard with you around. Making sure you weren't going to slit her throat, she knew everything about you, your past most specifically, she knows how much you hated her kind;witches, how much you despised monster, the ones that were so blood thirsty, so starved that they'd go into mindless rampages, she knew and yet she let our guard down, the memories from that night, how much of a daze she was in, only able to think about you, you... You.

Well, enough of that, she can fantasize and be obsessive later, much preferably at night.

"The weather has been the same all week." Ada sighed, acting as though that night you both spent with one another wasn't as special as she was currently making it out to be. "Well aren't you just a day of sunshine." The sarcasm was easily ignored, the awkward tension on your part still lingering but ultimately you had decided to ignore it.

"Let's get down to business shall we?" Ada sighed, sitting down on her own creaky chair, putting one leg over another as she blew a light- almost pink- red over her the ball, taking a deep breath in, her eyes roamed.

"Not quite a monster on the outside, but definitely one on the inside, many have been killed, many have been eaten, this monster- or shall I say cannable has pattern and a type to go after, hair colour as light/dark as yours, eyes as vibrant/full, lips plush/Lin a pale/vibrant colour to the softness of it. Body plumb/thin/muscular as yours, a perfect target for it to hunt. All I require is a sample of its DNA, hair, skin whatever you can get. This thing lives in another village down south, grab a sample- kill it, keep it as a pet all I need you to do is get me a sample... Can you do that for me?"

"Ion like how sexually you said that last part😢" you said putting your head in your hand/s, elbow/s resting on the wooden table that would no doubt give you splinters. You sighed out shakily, on the verge of having a break down.

Ada only chuckled in response, staring at your form in amusement, she liked seeing you like this.

"I'll get you whatever I can..." Grumbling as you stood up, your shoes thudding on the ground unintentionally, creaking the floor boards underneath you. You didn't even let Ada flirt  with you, not wanting to blush or giggle- gods forbid both at the exact same time- at her compliments or even her suggestive language. Whatever she may throw at you, you already knew was going to make you crumble like a thin lays chip.

Ada stared at her front door that slammed shut, chuckling softly to herself. How amusing your reactions were.

You trudged to your horse, petting Ms Bucks before hopping on. "You're going in there for me next time." The joke was pathetic, leaving only you to laugh and your horse to huff, rolling her head as she began trotting.

"... A drink would do me nicely right now.." you sighed, your horse- in response- let out a loud neigh, almost like she was calling you some sort of bad word.

"Whose the one feeding you here?" You looked crazy, talking to your horse...

Ms Bucks immediately stopped neighing and snickering, only huffing once more.

The figure that followed not to far behind stared at you strangely. A look in its eyes, a twitch to its fingers as an over whelming urge to snatch you was growing. It had to stay strong, know grabbing you now wouldn't be a good idea. You were still on guard, maybe when your drunk- asleep? Or perhaps bawling your eyes out over killing a frog again?


(Sabi finally updating??? Never heard of before, talking as if my username isn't Sabi is fun😋

Just saw a bot where it was with a Lycan!Ethan Winters I pressed on that shit to fuck around with it for fun but I actually got a good storyline going and I am foaming and convulsing, already got my on lil head cannons for that bitch 😓🙏  I think is the main reason I'm not updating too, I get so excited to write a page only to rp on😞

Not to mention I'm holding myself back on posting more book because I already have enough that aren't finished😢 still wanna post my demon slayer one though😣



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18 ⏰

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