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Your body shook, an ongoing headache seemingly never dying down, the sound of hooves hitting the stone path made your eye twitch with ever clap.

The conversation with Ada had left you emotionally and socially drained, yet you still had an itch to do something, anything, and that anything would be hunting down whatever creature or monster you could lay your hands on.

Yet something about this castle- sure, it wasn't your usual setting within hunting grounds, usually it's caves- water, the woods, swamps hell, even the village you resided in yet.. this was too eerie for your taste. A shiver that involuntarily rolled it's way down your spine, playing it like a piano. Your hand twitched, wanting to grab onto your handy dandy knife yet... Yet?

"I feel fucking crazy." You mumbled under your breath, moving onwards to get whatever nightmare over and done with, dead or alive.

You were justified for feeling crazy, anyone would if they had a job like this, killing unimaginable creatures, things only to be seen within the imagination of a nightmare. Life or death situations that have adrenaline pumping through veins in a desperation to keep the person up and running, alert- aware of their surroundings.

You could feel your heart pumping in your ears, cawing of crows were never a good sign.

You stared up at the dark towers- multiple names bestowed the large castle. Blood soaked walls, deaths castle. Many names for the century old building, some more creative then others, the folklore, tales- you've heard it all. Ever since you were but a small child, curiosity brimmed you, like a glass with water overflowing the rim.

Though, as you reached adulthood, the fantasies of a prince or a princess living up in those walls, waiting for someone to come along ceased to exist, dying down as you noticed how dark and gloomy it truly was, a whole new word to dark when you found the information on it, the place was basically a death wish, the stories told, a living horror story an elder sibling would tell just to terrorize the younger one.

You let out a small sigh, moving forward. Wanting to get this over and done with.

"Just had to go with monster hunting didn't I? Couldn't be a baker or a tavern keeper- should've just became a fucking hooker, a boot licker.. fuck man..." You grumbled under your breath, slightly frustrated as you contemplated life choices.

One, two, three, four steps forward, perhaps your life will change? For the worst or the best, who knows?

"ITS FOR THE FUCKING WORSE- OH MYY GOOOOODD FUCK ME IN THE ASS, SLAP ME AROUND, LICK MY FACE WHAT THE FUCK-" You were frightened, more so then your last missions, you'd gladly go through the pain of being grabbed and almost drowning all over again because this was NOT it.

Your boots/heels/shoes? Clapped against the floor in a frantic flurry, doing it's best to get away from the strangely attractive blood sucking vampire.

You could hear the taunting chuckles- those aren't even chuckles those are full on "KAWAIII!" giggles, I would like to deeply apologize for that 😓 I am truly sorry for what I had written not even five seconds ago, I've just realised my actions can harm others please forgive me.

In, out, you deeply inhaled, breathing fastening as the creature got closer to the point of you sounding like a mother ready to give birth.

In, out.. in out... In out! In out! In out! "OH DEAR FUCKING FUCK, FUCK, FUCK ME!" You skidded as you turned a corner, frantically getting away from the giggling creature.

You kept your shouting, voice bouncing off of the empty, large halls. "PLEASE, OH SHIT- FUCK-" these were more panicked then anything, not thinking about what you were spouting you kept your pace up, breaking in a slight sweat, skidding once more you quickly entered a room, slamming the door shut and quickly pushing a closet over just to block in.

The door banged, once then twice before stopping.

You backed away slowly, taking in greedy gulps of air. Fucking Ada sending you on these bullshit runs.

You froze, feeling piercing eyes on your back. "So, I've got me a toy to play with?" The voice, soft and sultry that would put any succubus to shame, called out, you could basically hear the tongue flicking out over his own lips, wetting them.

You let out a shaky breath hand itching to grab at your knife, you know you couldn't do it yet, of course you couldn't. You could tell the blood sucker was on alert as if expecting you to attack. So you waited, staying frozen in what you could only hope would seem to be fear to the vampire.

The air was impossibly thick, almost drowning out the sound of rain that had started not even a few hours ago, heavy against the century old walls. "And blocking the door so my friend won't be able to enter? Tsk.. tsk, tsk such a naughty, naughty boy/girl/person(?😭)" he taunted, grinning devilishly when. You slowly turned around with a disgusted look on your face.

What is this? Vampire boyfriend ASMR?

Your eyes darted over the man's body, slight curls to the darkness, a smirk that you oh so desprately wanted to wipe off, your eyes scanned his body, narrowing over the minor details on his outfit. Slightly tight black pants, the material you couldn't make out, eyes scanning over maroon shirt he had on, the sight of the gold colour scheme engraved into it made you raise a brow. Tacky ahh shirt, and the shoes on the bed too? Grimy too.

"Like what you see?" He asked, faking a curious look as he got in the "draw me like one of yo french girls" position.

"Damn..." Before you could continue he cut you off, boosting his own Lil ego. "So you do?"

"Nuh-uh, was gonna call you a slut.."


(I enjoy writing this very much to the point I'm going over and beyond to not make any shitty ass jokes😞)
P.s unedited😣

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