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"excuse me." Not thinking straight due to the after effects of the hangover, blood loss and the siren you had encountered hours prior, you didn't think the voice was calling for you so you kept your horse moving, getting looks from passerby, your shirt was soaked in blood and water. When someone pulled up besides you on their own horse, a white and brown one did you finally acknowledge them. Or better to say him.

"Your bleeding, is everything alright?" The man worriedly asked as you stared at him blankly then nodding. "Sure." You dismissed him, facing forward to continue your journey back out of town towards Ada's cabin.

The man quickly interjected, urging his horse to go a bit faster. "I'm Chris Redfield, I'm with the knights, I can help." He offered once more,eyes scanning up and down over both you and your horse.

"I said I'm fine." You gave him a side glance, having a clear distaste for the knight.

Chris slowed his horse down, watching v you continue forward, the gashes in your back looking deep, your shirt completely torn from the back as you continued onwards.

"If you say so.." Chris said quietly, not taking offence to your defensive reply.

You basically rolled off of the saddle, hitching your horse up and stumbling up the three steps to Ada's cabin, leaning on the damaged railing, your hand knocking on the door, nausea bouncing around in your stomach, the dizziness from the amount of blood that had left your body.

"Ada?" Your voice mumbled out, knocking again and again- and again until she finally answer. She smirked down at you- a ritual at the point whenever she sees you. "Come." She ushered you in, ignoring how you stumbled to the chair you oh so often sat in.

You groaned, hands slightly shaking as you reached into a pocket, rummaging around before pulling out the black scale.

Ada's smirk seemed to widen. "Good job. Gonna go back after the swamp monster next?" She praised, hands gingerly taking the scale from your palm, holding it up to her lantern to get a better look. Whistling softly at the sight of it. She placed it in a small box on the counter, walking over to the shelf, opening the creaky doors before pulling out the same liquid she let you drink when coming back from the swamp.

You glared at her, taking the small potion bottle, taking off the top and gulping the strawberry tasting liquid, it ran down your throat smoothly. "I'm not going after that creature, you know that Ada-"

"Remember the deal [Name]" Adas smirk fell, a stoic look, hand latching onto your chin as she tugged your face to look at her. "So don't go acting all high and mighty." She whispered before letting you go, grabbing her beloved ball, placing it on the red pillow she kept just for it, a few more items were grabbed before she sat down.

You stared silently at her as she rubbed the small ball, palms dancing over the glass. "But since I'm so kind- you can choose at anytime to go after it." She said her smirk back on her face, loving the way you looked at her with such distaste. "The next creatures I need you to grab me.." she spoke her words soft as she reach over, taking a puff before blowing a magenta colour over her glass ball, eyes transfixed on the contents now laid inside. "A spider- half human half spider an Arachnes, terrifying creatures indeed, one that would tie you up in his web, eating you as though you were a big." Ada smiled to herself, knowing that one you'd leave for last.

Ada took another puff, blowing a blood red colour smoke onto the glass ball, smirking down at the object. "Or would you like to go after the two vampires living up near the darken towers? Both centuries old waiting for another to wander themselves on the property, an opportunity to strike.. an opportunity to feast." Ada looked up at you as your face twisted, jaw clenched as you slowly looked up at her. "I'll be back with the vampire blood." The grunted as you stood up, the wounds on your back not fully healed, you left the sabin, steps creaking under your wait as you unhitched your horse, mounting the saddle before guiding her back towards the village you drank at, a means to escape such a cruel life, drinking.

But first you had to get changed. With that though you pulled the reins to get Ms Bucks to go a bit more towards the right, where you had been staying.

A fresh set of clothes would do you some good.

Maybe a shower too...

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