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You gulped down the sour and bitter tasting liquid, trying not to think about what you had done- you were tired, having been there for a few hours now, gulping down a tankard of ale every few minutes just to see the pretty tavern maid. You looked pathetic and you knew it.

Wallowing in your own self pity, getting drunk while destroying your organs just to get rid of the memories.

Unconsciously, your hand rose up, fiddling with the locket necklace around your neck, you grumbled taking another big gulp like a sad pathetic loser. You wasted yourself, finding solace in the now haziness of your mind.

You didn't even notice when the chair next to yours squeaked.

Only when you felt eyes on you did you look over, raising an eyebrow as your eyes blurred for a moment, struggling to focus on the somewhat familiar face. Your hands gripped the handle of the tankard tighter, grumbling in annoyance.

"You don't seem so pleased?" Chris asked curiously, fingers tapping on the wooden surface as he tried catching your eyes again. You looked over at him. "Really? That's crazy because I feel so happy to see you!" You grinned before slowly scowling at him, voice filled to the brim with sarcasm. "Fucking idiot." You cursed going back to drinking.

Despite your foul attitude towards him, Chris didn't seem phased, letting out a sigh. "I'm just here to as-" you cut him off, ignoring him complete as you politely asked for a refill in a slurred voice. Hands rummaging in your pocket for more golden coinage.

The gold clattered on the wood surface, letting the grimy hands of the tavern owner to swipe it up, grabbing your tankard, refilling it then slapping it back down In front of you. "Not interested." Blandly as you could you took a sip out of the fresh ale, licking your top lip of any remaining liquid. Face slightly scrunching at the bitterness, taste buds withering underneath the warm liquid before slowly getting used to it. "Quit being a child and listen to me." Chris demanded, eyebrows furrowing as slurped the liquid loudly just to annoy him, blowing air into his face just to further annoy him. "Or what? Gonna lock me up, dipshit?" Mockingly, you grinned at him causing Chris to narrow his eyes. Though, he still stayed silent he was definitely contemplating doing exactly that.

He didn't appreciate you mocking him, he also didn't appreciate how much he found it amusing- hiding said amusement behind the stern look that always seemed plastered on his face.

You scoffed at him, going back to downing the liquor that seemed far much better then facing your problems.

"You're not curious about what I have to offer?" Chris let out a sigh, deciding that changing tactics would be better to persuade you listening.

And like a moth to a flame, you turned your attention to him. Rolling your eyes and waiting for him to continue.

"I need your-" you were quick to cut him off.

"Lost me." You turned away from him, taking an audible gulp from the ale. You ignored him as he tried to go on.

"Just listen-" Chris waited for a moment, just to see if you'd deny him before continuing on. "Your a bounty hunter? Monster hunter? A hunter, I need you to-"

"What makes you think I'd help you? A knight of all people?" You turned towards him again, scoffing at him, ale already finished as you left the tankard closest to the barkeeper to collect and wash.

"Because I can pay you handsomely." That definitely caught your attention, ears practically perking up like a dog hearing the word treat.

"How much?" You asked curiously.

Chris let out another sigh, trying to think of a number that might please you. "Fifteen thousand gold coins?"

Your eyes practically made dollar signs, you grinned before nodding. "What do I have to do?"

"A swamp not that far from here, there's been spotting a of a swamp monste-"

"Never mind, not doing it. Nuh-uh" you quickly turned away from him, throwing down a few coins for the bar keeper. Chris raised an eyebrow, quickly following you put as you left. "Why not?" He asked curiously, picking up his pace. "Because I'm not fucking with that motherfucker, you understand?" You asked in a mocking curious tone.


"Fuck no." You said sternly.

"Fifty thousand gold coins."

You stopped in your tracks, slowly looking at him, a look of confliction. "...can't I just give you a blow job for that money?" You looked torn between your own sanity and that much coins.

You grumbled, cursing under your breath when he gave you a shocked look. "I can't promise I'll be able to kill it- y'know for a man that I met a day or two ago you're asking a lot  from a stranger.." you continued your grumbled as he slowly nodded in understanding.

You scoffed, all would be worth it for the money. "I'll give you the first half now then the second half will be for when or if you complete the mission" you saw Chris shuffled about as he placed three large-ish bags of gold coins Infront of you. You looked at it in shock before smiling like the Grinch. "Alright." Money was winning against your morals. Y'know what they always say, money is the route of all evil, your selfishness overpowering what little kindness you had in your heart.

Okay so maybe, just maybe you were starting to regret on agreeing to this.

Heavy breaths escaping your mouth as the large, wilted like beasts circled around you, eyes narrowed, sharp teeth bared as the monsters child was hidden within the cave.

"..good-... Good doggy." You mumbled softly, making sure to keep an eye on him. "Want a treat?.." your voice slightly shook as it narrowed it's eyes in annoyance and what seemed to be amusement as it snorted through its nose. "... I'm gonna die aren't I?" You asked the monster curiously, it seemed to think for just a moment before nodding its head in a fast yet slightly comedic way.



(Update one😈 took me like three days Because, because 😣)
(FINISH TIME:Sunday, 21st/april-2:35am)

Edit:Gonna slowly start posting all of these😋
All unedited😓

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