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You raced around the castle, avoiding Luis at any cost, even skidding like a cartoon character as you finally spotted an exit- a window that if you jumped out of it could possibly be a  certain death drop.

So you took your chances, knowing it was much better then getting sucked dry of any blood.

Your foot steps were heavy vibrating off of the glamourous walls as you went in shoulder first, screwing your eyes shut as the glass broke, three windows up- you were fucked beyond belief, at least it wasn't four or higher, you'd either kill yourself at that point on just suffer it out.

You cursed under your breath as you landed on your shoulder.

You grumbled, taking your steps, wood creaking, it was becoming a routine for you at this point as you knocked on Ada's door. The familiar sound of her heels clapping against her floor boards as the door squeaked open wide enough for you to entering.

You kept on grumble, sitting yourself down in the chair as it creaked. You chucked your knife covered in the vampiric blood.

Ada raised a brow. "Are both vampire's blood on there?" She asked curiously as she walked to her cabinet.

You went silent looking at her with wide eyes. "You didn't tell me to get- I got one." You clenched your jaw, knowing you'd have to go back for it. Ada let out a disappointed sigh as she rattled through her cabinets searching for something.

Though, whilst she was distracted you grabbed the bottle- the same bottle she used for the healing properties, popping the cork off which had caught the witch's attention. "Hey dont–" the moment was cut short as you gulped the liquid down slowly glancing over at her the unfamiliar flavour of cherries swarming your tongue.

It was silent for a mere moment. "What? What happened?" You asked curiously, looking around slowly as you placed the bottle down, quickly checking it to look at the label on it. Ada stayed silent, before speaking up. "That was a love potion.."

"That was a love potion😨"

"Yeah... A love potion." Ada panted, slightly out of breath- You were both out of breath, with ada laying her now disheveled hair on your scarred arm, on hand resting on your chest. You were still in a light daze. Slowly blinking. Both faces flushed with the extra exertion. It only took Ada to bury her face against your side- still panting, lipstick a mess, not to mention the red stains covering your own lips did you finally snap out of the daze.

You looked around before looking down at Ada "😮" which earned a chuckle. Rather quickly stumbled off of the bed, falling off of it on your back in the nude.

Your hands reached over, grabbing her discarded dress to cover yourself with as she peered over, looking at you with narrowed amused eyes. Leaning her chin on her hand as she watched you scatter around to pull your pants on over your legs and private parts. "What the fuck- why did you make a love potion in the first place." You grunted, trying to wipe away the stained red lipstick on your neck and face.

"Customer wanted one, paid me a lot... Leaving so soon?" She asked with a smile, almost kicking her feet as you pulled your shirt over your head. "Of course I'm leaving- fuck, why would you have it in plan sight–" Ada was quick to cut you off, narrowing her eyes at you. "Why were you drinking randomly liquids off of a witch's table?" She retorted, knowing she was right she smirked smugly.

"For what it's worth. You were–" you quickly shushed her, cringing slightly as you hopped around to get your shoes on, as if she had a husband that she was cheating on was coming back. "I do not want to hear that- please." Oh, you said please too? How sweet.

She sighed as soon as you stumbled out, hearing her front door slam shut once you had stormed out of her room. The familiar creak of the steps outside signalling you were leaving.

"What am I going to do?" Ada mumbled to herself.

(Gotta cringe through the pain😣)
P.s unedited
Pp.s written when extremely tired might edited hours later.

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