New Love (Dip)

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~Damian's P.O.V~

Life ruled if you were me, like no shit! I am the son of Satan and I get all the bitches. Literally. Except that cute blondey sitting over at the other table reading a book. I am currently watching him closely behind my sunglasses. Stalking? Nah, more like observing from afar.

"Y-Your coffee Damian! Gah! PLEASE DON'T LIGHT ME ON FIRE!" Tweek Tweka, the co owner of the coffee shop I am sitting at stuttered fearfully setting my jumbo mocha latte down in front of me.

"Tweek, do you know anything about the blonde sitting over there?" I asked the spluttering blonde, minding my words. Everyone knows who his boyfriend is, and even I the prince of hell won't fuvk with him. . .

"O-Oh that is P-Pip! GAH!" Tweek answered, trembling.

"Alright, thank you." I nodded at him, and watched him scurry away to the counter and tend to his said male partner Craig.

Pip. . .That's the fucker I set on fire when we were 8. Smirking to myself, I stood and walked over to the British blonde and sat across from him.

"Ello' Pip" I cheerily said to him, my sudden present making him jump.

"Well hello Damian! H-How do you do?" Pip said cheerfully at me, sipping something that looked remotely like tea.

"Good Pip, how about you?" I, Damian, replied abruptly.

"Very good my friend! My I ask why you have bothered yourself with talking to me?" Pip asked me, his bright blue eyes curious.

"I was wandering if you'd go on a date with me tonight?" I asked the blonde, laying my head on my hand.

"S-Sure Damian! That would be splendid!" Pip giggled excitedly, nodding.

"Alright meet me at Stark's Pond at 8 pm." Standing, I patted his head and walked out.


~Still Damian~

It as 8, and here I am sitting at the pond. No Pip in sight. Did he stand me up? I'd kill him!

"Damian, I apologize for being late!" Looking up, I saw Pip running at me.

"It's alright Brit'" I chuckled and patted the seat beside me.

"Well alright then!" Pip said cheerfully, sitting by me and smiling at me "So what inspired you to ask me out?"

"I don't know." I replied "You smell good."

"Oh your so silly Damian!" Pip stated, watching the me closely.

"Very silly indeed." I mumbled back, trying to avoid blushing from under his gaze. I just stared at the water.

~Nobody's P.O.V~

Pip watched Damian closely, his blue eyes full of curiosity. He's so interesting. . .

"So Damian, wha-" Pip was halted by a pair of very warm lips connecting with his own and being pulled onto a certain Demon's lap.

"Sorry but your lips looked so inviting that I had to kiss them." Damian smirked, pulling Pip flush against him.

"I-I oh... Damian I do believe we are moving to f-" Pip was yet again cut off by Damian's demonic lips.

Standing, Damian lied Pip down on his back on the bench and climbed on top of him.

"We are not moving to fast~"


Pip awoke in a very warm bed, a strong warm wrapped around him and a god awful ache in his bum. Lifting his head, he looked over at the male holding him and all the memory's of last night flooded into his head rather quickly.

"Oh Goodness. . ." Pip murmured, softly rolling over so him and Damian were face to face.

Pip softly traced patterns into Damian's pale chest, and kissed his nose softy. Maybe this could work. .

"Good morning. . ." Damian groaned, feeling his nose being assaulted by warm lips.

"Well good morning to you Damian." Pip said as cheerfully as ever.

"Sleep well?" The demon stared at Pip, blinking softly "And do you hurt anywhere or feel weird?"

"Well, my rear sure is sore and my stomach feels very bloated." Pip replied to Damian, and liedhis head on said males bicep.

"Well, your rear hurts because I fucked you and your bloated because you are carrying my offspring." Damian said calmly, shaking some black out of his face.

"C-Carrying?!" Pip squeaked, and sat up quickly.

"Yup. The birth will be in seven days, on the full moon and we will be parents and you are now my internal mate." Damian threw in, watching Pip.

Pip just stared at him, he's fifteen and pregnant and a MALE! His shock hit the ball out of the park, and he just stared at the demon. Oh, and he was internally locked with his new 'mate' until one of them die! Shrugging, Pip lied back down and curled against Damian "Well righty oh'"

"Yup." Damian replied holding him.


Four days pregnant, and it was already like Pip was ready to burst. His ankles are swollen, his stomach is the size of Jupiter and his emotions are haywire!

"I-I just want Tacos!" Said blonde Cried, him sitting on his lover's bed in is castle in hell.

"I will get you tacos when I get up!" Damian growled from the bed, not getting a wink of sleep ever since impregnating the blonde.

"But i want them now and a foot rub!" Pp cried, tears running down his tired face. He whimpered as he felt a jab to his ribs "We want tacos!"

"GOD DAMMIT I'LL GET YOUR TACOS!" Damian roared, hauling ass out of bed "And I'll run you a bubble bath when I get back and rub your feet just as long as you promise to go to sleep!"

"I-I promise. . ." Pip whimpered, rubbing his eyes gently "Sorry for being a bother. . ."

"I knew what was coming when I got you pregnant so its alright Pip" Damian sighed, kissing his lovers forehead before dissolving in thin air and returning a few minutes later "I got Taco Bell!"

"I want pizza too."



Damian was rarely ever happy. He was only happy when he was setting something or someone on fire or sleeping. But at the moment he was defiantly happy.

Pip had given birth to a perfectly healthy black haired little girl. And trust me, Damian was beyond happy. Both of his prized possessions and loves were sound asleep on his bed. Pip huddled around his bay, the labor probably the worse pain he'll ever feel. So he was naturally happy.

"I love you guys. . ."


And did you like it Smiley? :3





Disclaimer- I do not own or have any connection with South Park or the characters portrayed in this story.

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