Horror Move Love (Twoken)

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You know the feeling you get when you're alone with that somebody, watching a movie? Yeah, that is Token Black at this moment, watching Mean Girls with Tweek Tweek. Yeah, probably not the most perfect chose for a movie to watch; given Tweek was now scared to protein bars because he thinks he  will get fat, but it was all good.

"T-That movie is so g-great!" Tweek cried, and I mean cried, tears streaming down his pale face.

"Why are you crying Tweek?" I, Token Black asked him watching him.

"I-I d-don't know!" Tweek balled cuddling his coffee thermo "J-Just that movie makes m-me so happy!" Tweek cried.

"Wanna watch a different movie?" I asked the spluttering blonde.

"Yes I-I do!" Tweek cried looking at me, and rubbed his bright hazel eyes. 

"Okay." Grabbing the t.v remote, I changed the movie to some random cheesy ass horror film.

"A-A scary m-movie. . .?" Tweek asked shakily "T-Token are y-you trying to give me a PANIC ATTACK?!"

"No. This movie isn't too scary. I've seen it a couple times." I grunted reclining into the love seat some more, resting my forearm over Tweek's calf; the blondes feet/legs resting on his lap.

"O-Okay. . ." Tweek murmured, resting back as the lights went down and the movie began. 


Okay maybe I second guessed myself when I chose this movie, because it is piss shit scary. Every few minutes there is a jump scare and the plot was just so perfectly set that you loved yet hated the fear.

I mean, I was sitting up in my seat clutching my fluffy blanket watching this. And don't even get even get me started on Tweek, he was cuddled into the corner of the couch crying in fear. Yeah. . . 

~Nobodies P.O.V~

"Gah. . ." Tweek sputtered, clutching his thermo eyes trained on the t.v like a panther shaking, waiting for the next jump scare. 


"AH F-FUCK SAVE ME!" Tweek cried, firing himself onto Token clutching onto him for dear life crying like a toddler.

"T-Tweek?!" Token yelped, instinctively wrapping his arms around Tweek holding him. 

"I-I'm scared. . ." Tweek cried, holding onto Token. His much smaller body shaking like a chihuahua. 

"O-Okay, I'll turn it off." Token grunted, grabbing the remote from around Tweek and turning off the t.v.

Tweek stayed latched onto the larger male, arms around his neck and legs around his waist all while his head was snuggled into his shoulder.

Token rubbed Tweek's back apologetically, rocking him back and forth, "I'm sorry. . ." He's gonna have nightmares now. . .

"I-I'm o-okay" Tweek whimpered, leaning back away from Token's shoulder. His limbs still wrapped around him like a koala.

"Paranormal shit is intense. . ." Token watching Tweek removed his small face from his shoulder, his pale face tear stained and hazel eyes puffy and red. Lips red an swollen from being gnawed on rough;y.

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