Frenchie Love (Twistophe)

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~♡Tweek's P.O.V♡~

Sitting on some random bench at Stark's pond. I watched the water. I couldn't feel anything, I was numb. Except my heart was throbbing and my face was numb from crying.

Craig left me for Clyde. Yeah, the person who was supposed to love me no matter what left me for my supposed best friend.

I told him I understood that Clyde was better,but in all reality I thought me and Craig were gonna last forever. . .I felt so safe by him, the Gnomes left me alone when we was around and I barelt twitched or stuttered when he was around.

But now that safety is gone. Gone Forever!

Slamming my fist down on the bench, I let out a loud cry and stood. Nobody loves me, the one person who I thought truly cared left me. I had nobody except coffee. . .I was unneeded.

Walking to the water, I shakily entered it and started to wade in.Drowning myself is the only way out now. . .

The moment I was far enough I dove in and started swimming to the bottom. The moment I hit it, I sat there for about five seconds.

That was until something wrapped around my waist, and propelled me and it to the surface.

"Sheet! Are yhu crazee?" A deep French accept flooded into my ear, as I was pulled onto the bank "Yhu jus' about keeled yourseelf!"

Looking up, I saw Christophe and just stared at him and looked away "I-I want to die. .."

"Zeen you should'e teed zement to youur feet!" The muddy brunette barked "Now zummon Tweek, I sake yhu zo my hoouse."

Christophe picked me up bridal style and started to the town.

I stayed quite the whole trip, besides a few sputters and twitches here and there.

Upon entering entering apartment, Christophe carried me to a bathroom.

"Streep." He ordered, and turned his back to me.

"B-But I-I don't wa-"

"Streep. Yhu are freegid and yhu smell leek feesh!" He ordered, again.

Whimpering I very shakily took my clothes off, and watched the Frenchman. "O-Okay. . .I am done. . ."

"Good." He turned around, and ran water into the tub "Niw geet ze 'uck in ze 'ub, Mon jeune ami."

Climbing into the tub,I relaxed into the warm water. "I-I forgot you spoke fluent French. . ."

"I am Freench." He grumbled sitting on the toilet seat "I am ze bes' at zpeaking Freench in South 'Ark."

"Oh. . ." I nodded af him and relaxed into the water smiling. Closing my eyes, and let me body slip deeper into the watern

"Zhy wer' 'yu zying to keel yoourself?" The sudden question from the French mercenary broke me from my trance.

"M-My boyfriend l-left me." I replied.

"Craig? Zat blue hated 'ack haired boy?" He asked.

"Yes. . ." I whimpered, clenching my fists. My hazel eyes tearing up.

"Ce bâtard!" Christophe slammed his fist on the counter, and shook.

"C-Christophe. . .C-Can I get out?" I asked shyly, watching him closely. He's defiantly interesting. . .

"Zure." He pulled the plug and handed me a towel, and walked out.

Wrapping myself in the towel, I stepped out of the bathroom and looked around the rather messy apartment.

"Ere'. Where my zirt, 'yu will zay ze night ere'" Christophe handed me a large clean green shirt and a pair of boxers.

Slipping them on, the boxers fit fine. But the shirt engulfed me.

"C-Can I sleep with you?" I asked shyly, reaching for him.

He stared at me like I was a spider, before sighing and picking me up. "Zure."

Laying my head on his shoulder as he carried me to the bedroom. "Thank you for saving me. . ."

"It is' my 'ob"He replied and lied down with me in his arms.

Nodding against his larger bicep, I curled into his chest and I inhaled his scent. Dirt, Sweat, Blood, Ol' spice, and somewhere in there I smell crepes...

Letting my eyes flutter closed, I felt him wrap around me protectively.

~☆Nobody's P.O.V☆~

Christophe awoke with something small and warm in his arms, and very fluffy blonde hair tickling his nose.

"Ze 'uck. . .oh' ya. . ." Blinking, and looked down at Tweek and swiped a piece of hair from the small blondes face.

"C-Christophe?" Opening his hazel eyes, Tweek's eyes met Christophe's muddy brown eyes.

"Vous êtes belle. . .vous méritent le monde" Christophe watched Tweek closely, before sighing "Ze wit' me Tweek."

Tweek watched him and placed his hand on the French males cheek, "A-Aslong as your promise to always love me. . ."

"I will. . ."

~Seven months later- Tweek's P.O.V~

"B-Bath time Christophe!" I groaned, chasing the muddy mercenary around our apartment.

"But Tweek I thut' you luved my zmell!" Christophe replied to me.

Going into the living room, a placed my hand on my hip and watched the mercenary for about three seconds before growling "Bath, now!"

He pouted in defeat and headed to the bathroom. Following him I made sure he didn't jump out a window or something.

"I'm een' ze tub bow Tweek." Christophe groaned, the water a murky brown color now.

"E-Ew. . .I'm gonna start making you take a bath every week n-now. . ." I sighed and startes scrubbing him down. "And I'm doing it out of love, you smell and if you smell bad you'll get sick!"

"It'z my teerible zmell zat' keeps the gnomes away, Mon Amour."



HOPE YOU LIKED IT! kemijski_rose

Request on the most recent one-shot posted.

Disclaimer- I do not own or have any connection with South Park or the characters portrayed in this story.


Mon jeune ami - My young friend.

Ce bâtard - The Bastard

Vous êtes belle. . .vous méritent le monde - You are beautiful, you deserve the world.

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