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Kyle sat perched on his back porch. His head resting on his boyfriends thigh.

"Stan that cloud looks like a rabbit." Kyle giggled.

"It looks like a turtle." Stan chided, bending down and softly kissing his boyfriend.

Kyle smiled and kissed him back gently. "I love you Stan."

"I love you to." Stan murmured before looking up at the sky.

Kyle sighed and closed his eyes, pulling his bare foot across the deck. When suddenly. . .

"OH MY GOD STAN!" Kyle cried flying up and literally accidentally throwing himself off the deck.

"Kyle what the fuck happened?!" Stan yelled standing and pulling his Ginger Jew up.

"I-I got a splinter!" Kyle cried out shoving his foot in Stan's face.

Stan just stared at him, blinked, and threw his head back laughing.

"S-Stan it hurts!" Kyle cried and punched him in the chest. Growling the Ginger stood from the laughing Raven and walked over to a lawn chair and sat down.

"I-I'm sorry." Stan laughed and hobbled over and sat in front of Kyle "Lemme see."

Kyle just ignored him and examined that wound. It was stuck in his little toe. Whimpering he squeezed it, on;y to throw his foot away with a cry "Ow!"

Stan chuckled and took the foot, and kissed the spot softly. "I'll get it out."

"I-It hurts Stan. . ." Kyle cried, his eyes watering up.

"Hey hey don't cry." Stan reached up with his hand and rubbed Kyle's face

Kyle cried and nuzzled into his hand, and whimpered. "Get it out. . ."

"I will." Stan went back to examining is foot and took two finger nail and grabbed the end of the splinter. And with a sharp tug he pulled it out. "See no big deal."

Kyle threw himself onto Stan and cuddled against him, "Thank you."

"You welcome baby." Stan chided.

"Hey! You two should kiss!" A cry came from over the fence.

looking up Stan's smile faltered "FUCK YOU KENNY!"



I know that was not one of the requests but the idea came to m so I decided to write it.


Request, vote, and leave me a sweet comment.

Disclaimer- I do not own or have anything to do with South Park/

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