Coffee Shop Boy (TweekXThomas)

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Tweek Tweak sat delicately on his stool at his parents coffee shop, twitching and sputtering. It was 1:45 P.M in the small mountain town of South Park and the coffee shop was very quiet. Blinking softly, Tweek quivered as his mind played endless ideas that could possibly happen, The Russians may attack! THEN WHAT DO I DO?! I'M ALONE! Shaking the hyperactive blonde hopped up and chugged a huge coffee before sitting back down; and as if on cue the door opened.

"H-Hello welcome to Har-GAH-ucks coffee!" Tweek sputtered looking at the approaching fellow blonde.

"S-SHIT! H-Hi can I get a lar-FUCK-large iced c-coffee?" The blonde spluttered, quivering a few times and twitching.

"S-Sure you GAH can!" Tweek nodded and went off and made the coffee, returning shortly and setting it in front of him. "That w-will be $4.89."

"O-Okay FUCK!" The blonde sputtered, looking at Tweek.

"G-Gah! WHATS WRONG WITH YOU?!" Tweek cried, slamming his hands onto the counter shaking.

"i-i'm Sorry!" FUCK SHIT!" The other boy cried, shaking is arms around. "I-I got FUCKING COCK Tourettes."

"O-Oh!" Tweek sputtered, shakily waving "M-My name is GAH Tweek!"

"FUCKING HELL! My name is Thomas SHIT!" Thomas, cried waving back a muttering a few profane words.

"N-Nice to me-meet you GAH Thomas!" Tweek screamed ripping at his hair, shaking watching his fellow blonde.

"FUCK! T-Thanks for the SHIT Coffee!" Thomas cried, waving at Tweek as he left.

"B-Bye Thomas! GAH!" Tweek watched the boy leave, a blush covering his face. Somebody else in South Park acts just like him. . .

Suddenly a warm feeling crept into Tweek's stomach and he covered his mouth as he giggled.


Walking away from the coffee shop, Thomas sipped on his coffee and sputtered his cuss words. Face as red as a tomato, he had finally met somebody who may understand him! Smiling to himself, Thomas thought about the boy at the coffee shop all the way home.

Likey? They were very OOC, but grrrr. . . I ship these two so hard it should be illegal. 

I hope I followed your prompt to your liking ! 




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