Buddies (Styde)

898 16 7

Requester is anonymous.
Special thanks to xXChibi_SPRXx for assisting me with this.
Disclaimer- I do now own or have any connection with South Park or the characters portrayed in this story.

This sucks.



It was quite a stormy day today. The rain was pouring down loudly outside the cafe, but the cafe was quiet on the inside. Clyde slowly pressed the cup of black coffee to his lips, taking a short sip. His life has been so gloomy even since he broke up with Bebe. Ever since coming clean about being gay his life has been miserable. No one has talked to him, and when they do, its a hello, quick chat, then a hasty goodbye. Hell, even his parents didn't bother to drop by his house and say hello.

"Can I get a black coffee to go please?" A familiar voice asked the cashier.

Clyde turned in his seat to see none other than Stan Marsh. They haven't seen each other since high school. Clyde felt his cheeks warm up at the sight of the male. And to make matters worse, Stan seemed to have caught the younger man's gaze.

Stan smiled and started on his way over. Clyde could only watch him as he came over with a big smile and sat down at the extra seat.

"Clyde, is that you! Its been so long!" He greeted quite loudly, causing some to turn and look at them.

Stan could only flush,"Y-Yeah, its me." His eyes darted down. The younger male was too shy and surprised to look up at the him.

Marsh chuckled as he then stood back up, seeming to have calmed down and suddenly grow shy. He reached back to rub the back of his head.

"So, uh. . . would you like to. . . uh, maybe meet up sometime? If you're not busy--"

"I'd love to." Clyde didn't even let the older boy finish his sentence. He had nothing better to do. Plus he was off work for a couple days. He could also use the well needed company.

Stan's smile returned, and his warm blue eyes seemed to soften. They had arrange for Clyde to come over to Stan's house for their first official meet since high school. Its been way too long. But wait. Has Stand heard the news? About Clyde being gay?

Clyde began to panic as he watched Stan leave the Cafe. He would have to keep it a secret between them if he wanted this reforming friendship to stay. But maybe it would be best to tell him. Maybe Stan will be different.

So it has been decided. Clyde would come clean to Stan about his sexuality. And if he lost him, so what. Wouldn't be different from all the other people that abandoned him because of it.

But then the panic hit him once more. He did have developing feelings for Stan during their time in school.

~~Next Day~~

Clyde shuffled quietly up the steps to Stan's apartment, it being three days since there encounter. Looking up at the odd colored green door. Sighing he knocked softly.Hearing shuffling from the inside, the brunette found himself anticipating when Stan opened the door.

"Clyde?" The door opened to reveal a shirtless Stan.

"H-Hey Stan. . ." Clyde waved softly, blowing a piece of hair out of his face gently.

"Clyde, come in man it's fucking freezing out there!" Stan laughed deeply and tugged Clyde inside, taking Clyde's coat and scarf.

"Thanks." Clyde surveyed the larger males apartment, eyes landing on packed boxes "What's going on here?"

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