Tacos, Studies, and Cuddles (Style)

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Math. . .

Language. . .

Chemistry. . .

Rubbing his temples with a small whimper, Kyle Broflovski jotted down notes for his upcoming finals. He has been stressed studying for the best week, preparing for the end of semester finals.

Everything has been stressful. He is trying to get a A- or higher on all his tests, and he's pretty sure he'll get it. . .but there's always the thought that he won't and will not graduate 10th grade and become a Junior.

"Fuck. . ." Kyle sighed and closed his Chemistry book, and put his study guide away neatly and pulled his knees to his chest.

Sitting there for about five minutes, he grabbed his phone and called his bestfriend/boyfriend.



"Yes my Jew?"

"Can you come over with some food, I need cuddles and love. . ."

"Yeah, if studying is hitting you that hard I'll bring some movies and tacos."

"Thank you hubby. . . I love you"

"Love you to princess."

Sighing when the line went dean, Kyle went over to his bed and curled up in it; watching the door for his boyfriend.

Within 18 minutes Stan came strolling in with a bag if Tacos and some random hottoe flick.

"Hey, you look tired" Stan chuckles quietly, crawling to bed with the young Jew.

"I am" Kyle whispered, leaning up to kiss his man.

"Then eat, cuddle with me and fall asleep" Stan murmured kissing him a few times on the lips before putting the movie in and getting back in bed with the tacos.

Kyle took a taco from the bag, and layed his head on Stan's chest, "You been studying?"

"Kinda." Stab replied inhaling a taco, and threading his fingers in Kyle's hair and rubbing his scalp.

"You need to get a good grade on all the tests." Kyle whispered, staying kinda quiet.

"I will. . ." Stan chuckled, taking his shirt off and eating another taco and scooting down so him and Kyle are face to face.

Kyle giggled and kisses Stan's nose, and nibbled his taco.

"Ya knew hew mucs I wuv yhu?" Stand stated, mouth full of food.

"I wuv yhu to~" Kyle giggled, mouth packed with Taco.

Stan laughed and kissed his nose.


Welp, I made it fluffy and short~





Disclaimer- I do not own or have any connection with South Park or the characters portrayed in this story.

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