Little Tucker (Creek)

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"Craig wake up."

"Hm. . .?'

"Craig wake up!"

"W-What is up" A deep throaty yawn echoed throughout a nice, well decorated bedroom of a medium sized house in South Park Colorado.

"It's adoption day! We get our baby!" Tweek, an overexcited coffee addict 34 year old giggled, nudging his 34 year-old husband Craig.

Craig grunted, and looked at the bedside clock, 5:34 AM.

"Babe, that's not until two in the afternoon!" Craig groaned/growled, looking at his partner. Who was clad in a baggy shirt and knee high socks.

"But Craig. . . we finally got approved to bring her home! I'm excited. . . " The blonde murmured, his hazel coffee eyes wide with anticipation and to much caffeine. You see Craig and Tweek Tucker have been fighting since Tweek turned thirty to adopt a child. The adoption agency kept turning them down because they were against children having two fathers. But after four years of battling with the law, sleepless nights, and Tweek having breakdowns about never getting to be called mommy. They were finally approved.

"I know, I'm excited to." Craig gently pulled his much smaller feminine male lover into the bed with him.

Tweek giggled and curled against the raven, repeatedly kissing his chest.

"I love you." Tweek mewled.

"I love you too, now go to fucking sleep. I don't want to meet my baby dead tired." Craig grunted, curling around Tweek. Leaning down the raven kissed the blonde.

"Craig. . . Thank you." Tweek whispered, before kissing him gently "Your the best thing that has ever happened to me and I cannot believe we will be starting a family together soon."

"Tweek, you are literally the best thing that ever happened to me. Adding another little us to our little group will just make me love you even more." Craig kissed his nose, before going to whisper in his ear "You kno-GODFUCKINGDAMMIT!"

Tweek lost his shit laughing, he sat up to watch their German Shepard puppy attack Craig's toes.

"Come'mere Steel." Tweek chuckled and pulled the puppy against his chest.

"We should've got a fucking cat." Craig grunted, watching the squirming animal in Tweek's chest.

"He's gonna be our family dog!" Tweek giggled and kissed the lithe puppy's head happily. He layed his head back and smiled at Craig.

Craig smiled down at him and nuzzled his cheek. Tweek purred and fell asleep, his head on Craig's chest.

Not like Craig was gonna get any sleep anyway, he was to excited!


When the time rolled around for them to leave to pick up their new child, Tweek and Craig were dressed nice and professionally. Craig was dressed in a nice tight fitting black shirt that outlined his muscular body well, dark jeans and a pair of black and white Nikes. His raven hair combed and jelled perfectly in place. Tweek was dressed in a nice blue button up shirt, a pair of jeans and some loafers.

"Ready?" Craig asked the blonde, pulling up into the Orphanage parking lot.

"Y-Yes. . ." Tweek stuttered, looking at the building. The blonde squeaked when he felt himself get pulled out of the car gently by a large person, Craig.

"Let's go." Craig put his arm around Tweek and led him inside the building.

The receptionist looked at them and smiled, her very pretty face all excited.

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