What got you in here?

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You both sat down on old chairs, you stared at the small half broken table as kazutora sighed.

"Sorry i Hope you don't mind that we sit together" he smiled as you shook your head.

"No! I wanted to sit with you" you sat up as you stared around the room.

"So do we get given food or?" You questioned as you felt your tummy grumble.

"Yeah they hand it to us, we just have to wait till they come" kazutora spoke as you stared at his ear.

A hole.

"Did you used to wear earrings?" You asked as he turned to you, his eyes widening, "yeah"

"That's odd" you spoke as you stared at him, "you're the first boy I've ever met that has worn earrings" you smiled as he grinned.

"I'd have loved to carry on wearing em, but he took em off of me" kazutora said as he lifted his fingers, touching his ear, talking about his father.

"I don't mean to sound rude or anything, but... what got you into here?" You asked as kazutora looked at you.

"I had this friend, he was poor, his mother was ill, his name was baji" the multi-colour haired boy spoke.

"He had no choice, he had to steal to feed and help his mother, he was a mothers boy"

You nodded in understanding.

"I helped him once, what we didn't realize though, is that that particular shop was owned by a friend of ours"

"Or we'll to be exact his older brother, the man in particular ended up dying, it was an accident it was dark and.."

You stopped him with your hand on his shoulder, "you was just trying to help bajis mum right?" You smiled as he nodded.

"Dad found out, Mikey found out, oh-ah Mikey is shinichiro little brother!" Kazutora explained as you frowned.

"Shinichiro is the person who died" kazutora explained again as you nodded in understanding.

"Um, after dad found out, he started to hurt me, he hurt mum, and blamed me, shin-Chan died cause of me, I attacked him, but it was dark I didn't realize it was him, Baji helped me loads, so I tried to help him back it" kazutora sighed, "it just turned into a big mess"


you both turned your head at the loud yell.

Staring at the commotion, you saw the same blonde haired lady as before 'Karin'

In front of her was a young boy, he looked a year or two older than yourself.

You couldn't see his face, but from what you could tell, he had white hair, and his neck looked tanned.

"You should be grateful we didn't put you in the same room as them" Karin spoke as she pointed at both of you, you frowned.

"I was nice and had them give you a room to yourself, that's going to change though" Karin sighed as she walked out.

The boy, enraged he stared at you, allowing you to see his pretty purple eyes, and his Pilipino facial figures.


You thought as you stared at his pretty face, you had never seen an albino before.

Was he blind? Did he have vision difficulties like the ones you had heard of?

His skin was quite dark which was unusual for an albino, but it made him look pretty.

The boy looked away as he walked over to a table far from your own and sat in silence.

"What did you do?" Kazutora bashfully asked as you looked at him, "I didn't do anything to that guy or woman" you frown as he shook his head, "nah I sounded rude, I didn't mean to, I ment to get into here" kazutora asked as you awed.

"I fell in love"

I'd like you guys to guess what y/ns full backstory is? Any ideas?

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