Unfolded part 2

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As Izana stood in the charred remains of the orphanage, his hands still stained with blood, he felt a surge of emotions overwhelming him. The memories flooded back to him in vivid detail, each moment etched into his mind like a nightmare he could never escape.

It had started with a simple visit from his mother, a rare occurrence that filled him with hope and longing. But as she delivered the news of Emma's tragic death, something inside Izana snapped. Rage consumed him like a wildfire, burning away any semblance of sanity or control.

The screams echoed in his ears as he tore through the orphanage, his hands becoming weapons of destruction. (1) The children's faces twisted in terror as they begged for mercy that would never come. And then there was Kakucho, sweet Kakucho- now lying lifeless at his feet.

But it was Karin who found him amidst the carnage, her eyes wide with horror at the sight before her. She tried to reach out to him, to offer fake comfort or understanding, but all Izana could see was red. His vision blurred with tears and bloodlust as he turned on her without hesitation.

In that moment of madness and despair, Izana became a monster - a creature fueled by pain and loss beyond measure. He had destroyed everything he once held dear, leaving behind nothing but ashes and echoes of anguish.

And as he stood there amidst the ruins of his own making, haunted by the ghosts of those he had slain, Izana knew one thing for certain: everything after that became a blur. A blur of regret and remorse that would follow him until the end of days.

It was years later, on his 17th birthday when Karin, the woman who raised him, had found Izana. He was rotting away, trying to forget the memories of him killing all those innocent children, ripping out their eyes, and stabbing Kakucho with a fork.

Trying to forget it, she found him in front of an old house.

Karin approached Izana with fake comfort oozing from her every word. She knew what he had done, but she also knew that he was a victim of his own twisted mind.

If Karin hadn't have lied to him about Emma, maybe he would still be sane.

Izana had always been a little twisted, snapping at the littlest things.

She thought abandoning would make him snap.

That way she would deal with him then.

As she reached out to touch his shoulder, Izana flinched, the guilt and horror of his actions etched into every fiber of his being.

Without warning, Karin's demeanor shifted. Her eyes turned cold as she grabbed Izana's arm and dragged him towards the waiting fire pumper (2). Before he could protest or resist, she had trapped him in the hellhole that was the rehabilitation center.


(1) he killed them all, went in an outrage

(2) a fire pumper is like that what senku from dr stone made, it's like an car, but they used them in the 1800s

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