Get out part TWO?

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"What?" Yuzuha spoke as he nodded, "he's my brother, or tried to act like it anyways, his name is takeomi, he's going to help us get out" Sanzu spoke as you all nodded.

Recognising the name, you smiled, "he helped us find the nurses office"

"We also have another member of staff" Yuzuha explained as you looked at her.

"I didn't think anyone else would have someone on the inside Sanzu, but it's good we have multiple" she smiled as he nodded.

"Who?" Izana asked as hina looked at him.

"His name is mitsuya, he is the nurse here, he was friends with hakkai, Yuzuhas younger brother, he was also friends with baji" hina smiled as kazutora eyes lit up.

"Really? I don't think I know him" kazutora smiled as she smiled back at him.

"You do" you smiled as kazutora looked at you, "really?" He spoke as you nodded.

"Yeah! He was the guy that helped me with my nose!" You grinned as he nodded.

"Right! I have a plan!" Yuzuha spoke as you all looked at her.

"Izana! Sanzu and kazutora! You three need to break into our room tonight!" Yuzuha spoke as izana stood up.

"Why on earth would we do that?" He was about to begin talking again, but stopped ask kisaki walked over to you.

"I want in!" The man with glasses spoke as hinata stood up.

"Okay" she smiled as Sanzu stood up, interrupting her, "no"

"Why not!" She asked as he looked at her, "I don't know him" Sanzu spoke as izana shook his head.

"It's alright, he can join us, I beat the shit outta him, he's scared of me, he's my servant just like the rest of you, he will help" izana spoke as Yuzuha mumbled "servent?"

"Anyways! as I was saying! The three- no four of you-wait is that guy joining too?" Yuzuha spoke as she pointed to hanma whom was standing behind kisaki, he was sitting himself down at the end of the small cramped table.

"Yeah doll face" hanma spoke as she shrugged and continued her speech.

"The five of you guys will break into our room, izana and kazutora already know where our room is, you two" she pointed at kisaki and hanma.

"Follow us to our room when we leave the cafateria! Be careful about it though, find where our room is! Sanzu, you go with izana and kazutora!"

"At 12 break into our room! Be loud about it! Throw things around! Make a mess, it would be good if you could hit one or two of us too!" Yuzuha spoke as kazutora spoke up.

"I don't feel comfortable with hitting y/n" he spoke as his orange eyes looked at your own, a blush forming on his face!

'Why was he blushing you though as hinata smirked at you.

Taking a look at kazutora and hinas smirk again, back and forth you spoke.

"It's okay! Just not to hard okay" you laughed he looked at you.

"That's cute but if we want to get out of here we need to find a way for all of us to be in mitsuyas office past midnight WHEN EVERYONE IS ALSEEP!" she spoke as she continued.

"Sanzu get takeomi to be stationed nearby, he will take us all to mitsuyas nurses office! If Karin asks why we are there, we will tell her exactly what happened"

"Kisaki! Izana beat you and hanma up! You both planned to kick y/ns ass for it! Cause she's a girl and you're sexist! YOU GOT THAT! act sexist!"

"Sanzu overheard you talking, cause him and izana are roommates, he told izana, izana wanted to stop em, we call for help in the process! You got that?" She questioned as they all nodded.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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