A kind gesture

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You three sat in the cafeteria, you quietly smiling as a lady walked over to the tree of you, passing you, your lunches, she gave you an awful look as she walked away.

You looked down as you saw the mess you were given.

Mashed potatoes, slivered in mint stuff, what looked like shit on the side and a burnt peice of toast.

"Disgusting" kazutora murmured.

"It's better than yesterdays I suppose" you spoke, picking up your spoon with your fingers, the old rusty metal of the spoons dangle irritating your palm.

you thought about the dirty wet chips (they're fries from where i come from) and the chunky soup that tasted like soap.

You cringed at the thought.

"I'm not eating this" izana spoke as he picked his plate up and threw it behind him, you heard a yell as it hit someone's head.

Raising your hand to your mouth, your eyes widened.

"Izana, you can't do that" you spoke in shock, as kazutora held back his laugh, his lips cured upward as he giggled in his inner dialogue.


The loud voice came from behind you, turning you saw the same boy from before, the one next to the tree.

He was covered in food.

Turning izana looked at him, "wow what happened to you" izana causally spoke as the boy made a sounds of disgust.

"Don't act stupid, you just threw this at me" the male angrily spat at izana, izana Just shrugged, turning to face in front of him.

Angrily, the male grabbed his own place, throwing it at izana.

You watched as a plate came flying over to you, pain spread throughout your face as the plate landed on the floor.

"Y/n" kazutora yelled as he got up, inspecting you.

Luckily you had no food on you, but unfortunately blood started to dribble from your nose.

"Ouch" you spoke as kazutora lifted your chin up, holding your nose and squeezing it between his fingers.

"Okay stay like that" kazutora spoke as he held your nose, trying to stop more blood from escaping.

Izana watched with a grim expression, standing up, he just walked away, out of the cafeteria.

The angrily male from before followed him out, his fists clenched.

His tall friend ran after him.

As you and Kazutora walked out of the cafateria, you winced from pain, As you turned the corner, you noticed the same tall man from before standing outside a door.

"Wow" he exclaimed as you and Kazutora walked past him, "you get into a fight?"

You winced at the pain in your nose and shook your head. "It was just a misunderstanding" you replied, trying to brush it off.

Kazutora, however, wasn't as easily dismissive. "Do we have a nurse's office here?" he asked the man, gesturing to your bruised face and bleeding nose.

The man nodded, his expression softening. "Down the hall, take a left, then a right, go straight, the 4th door to your right" he explained, pointing in the direction of the hallway.

Feeling grateful for the man's kind gesture, you spoke up. "Thank you so much. What's your name?" you asked, wanting to thank him properly.

"Takeomi" he replied with a smile. "I'm just glad I could help kid"

In the nurses office

As I stumbled into the nurses office, my hand clasped tightly over my nose, I was grateful to have Kazutora by my side. He had been there to hold my nose and guide me through the crowded hallways, as I struggled to breathe through the pain, whilst having trouble finding this place.

Your lucky takeomi was outside the cafateria.

"Hey" Kazutora spoke, his voice filled with concern as he helped me to a seat. I could feel his eyes on me, worried and protective. I couldn't help but feel grateful to have him by my side.

As I sat down, a male nurse turned around, his striking purple hair and purple eyes catching my attention, you hated it, why did everyone have to have those same purple eyes.

The same as him.

Harsh flashbacks rushed to you, falling to your knees you cried, kazutora running to your side.

Back story flashback

"I will not allow such a dirty commoner, be with my son" the woman spoke as he blonde hair ascended down her frail form.

"Please" you begged, "I love him"

"I couldn't care less"

The man you loved watched, his attar that of a wealthy man.

You looked at him, "please my love, don't you love me?" You spoke, trusting the man who had promised you Riches beyond imagination.

"If my mother doesn't want me to be with you, then I cannot"


He rushed towards us, his gaze immediately falling on my bloody nose.

"Oh dear" he spoke, his voice gentle and soothing. He quickly led me towards the nearest bed and sat me down, before rummaging through some cupboards.

"What's your name, dear?" he asked, his hands working quickly to stop the bleeding.

"Y/N L/N" I replied, my voice slightly muffled from my hand still covering my nose.

"i am Mitsuya Takashi" he introduced himself with a kind smile. "I know the staff here are not very nice, but I'll be sure to make up for that. I'm sorry you're here"

I couldn't help but feel touched by his words. Mitsuya was the first member of staff in this place who had shown me any kindness. Or so, whi had given you a good first impression.

As Mitsuya finished cleaning and bandaging my nose, I couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort and safety in his presence. He was kind, gentle and seemed genuinely concerned for my well-being.

"Thank you, Mitsuya" I said with a small smile.

"It's my pleasure, Y/N" he replied, his smile growing wider. "If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to come see me"

With that, I left the nurses office with kazutora, feeling grateful for Mitsuya's kindness and also a little bit smitten by his charming personality.


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