A connection

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you were doing your usual rounds of running laps around the building with Kazutora. As you both sprinted, you couldn't help but feel a sense of freedom, even within the confines of the prison walls.

But as you turned a corner, you spotted a man, or woman? sitting against the wall. He had long, white hair and looked to be in pain. You slowed to a stop, puzzled by his presence. "Is he a member of the staff here?" you wondered.

Kazutora, who had also stopped next to you, looked at the boy and shrugged. "Who cares?"he said dismissively. "Let's just finish our laps" However, you couldn't shake off the feeling of concern. The boy looked injured, and you felt compelled to help him.

'If I go over to ask if he's okay, maybe he will shout at me,' you thought, remembering how mean the staff members of the prison could be. You didn't want to cause more trouble than you already had.

But as you looked at the boy again, you couldn't bring yourself to leave him alone. He looked so helpless and alone. Taking a deep breath, you walked over to him with Kazutora following close behind.

"You okay sir?" you asked in a worried tone, offering him a hand. The boy looked up at you, his light blue eyes meeting yours. But what caught your attention were the two scars across his lips, and his long eyelashes reminded you of another,  that other boy.

"What?" he responded harshly, his voice husky and strained. You took a step back in surprise, realizing that he was not an old man like you had thought, but rather the same age as you.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" you exclaimed, embarrassment creeping up on you. "I thought you were an old man, but you look the same age as me."

your friend - or rather, Kazutora - laughed at your mistake, his legs giving out on him as he fell to the ground. You rushed over to help him up, trying not to show how worried you were about him.

"Whatever," the boy said as he brushed off your concerns. He looked away, his white hair falling over his face. It was clear that he didn't want to talk about whatever had caused him to collapse.

Deciding to ignore his hostility, you helped Kazutora up and continued running laps around the prison with him. You wanted to finish your laps as quickly as possible so that you could go back to your shared cell and catch your breath.

As you resumed running, you couldn't help but think about the boy with the long, white hair and mysterious scars. Who was he and why was he in the prison? And most importantly, why was he so guarded and angry?

He honestly reminded you of the other boy so much, was it a white haired thing?

Did he used to have black hair? But his greys started to grow in? Or was he an albino too?

But for now, you put those thoughts aside and focused on completing your laps with Kazutora by your side.

As you walked through the sterile and dimly lit hallways of the 'hospital', you couldn't help but feel the sweat dripping down your temple. You and kazutora were heading towards your shared cell when you encountered Karin.

Karin's blonde hair swayed with each step she took, her sharp eyes scanning the area until they landed on you and Kazutora. You ignored her, knowing that she didn't like you. After all, she had poured human remains on you without any hesitation, making it clear that she saw you as nothing more than a criminal. And the feeling was mutual, you definitely didn't like her.

As you and Kazutora walked past her, you couldn't help but wonder why she was still working here. She should be ashamed of herself for her actions. But as your mind wandered, you suddenly remembered something.

You had never asked Kazutora if Karin had done the same to him. Before you could even voice your question, you overheard Karin speaking to herself, her voice irritated, obviously voicing out her inner thoughts.

"Shinichiro should have just taken him" she said, her voice dripping with disdain.

You froze as Kazutora's steps came to a halt beside you. He turned to look at you, his expression mirroring your own shock and confusion.

"Wait, Tora" you spoke, your voice barely above a whisper. "Do you think she's talking about your Shinichiro?"

Kazutora's eyes widened at the thought. "I don't know, but now that I think about it, Karin looks like Emma"

"Emma?" you repeated, tilting your head in confusion.

Kazutora nodded, his eyes distant as he recalled the memory. "Yeah, Emma. She's Shinichiro's adopted sister."

Your mind raced as you tried to piece everything together.

"Maybe there's a connection between Shinichiro and Karin" you suggested, still trying to make sense of everything.

Kazutora nodded, his eyes narrowing in determination. "Maybe"

You both continued walking towards your cell, both lost in your own thoughts.

any ideas?

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