He took it

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You watched in horror as Kazutora was thrown back into your cell, his body hitting the hard concrete floor with a loud thud.

His top lifted slightly, revealing the fresh bruises that covered his back.

You could feel your heart breaking at the sight, knowing that he had endured yet another round of torture at the hands of his his own father.

Without a second thought, you rushed to his side, ignoring the warning glares from the guards. You knelt down beside him and gently helped him up, careful not to touch his bruised skin.

His black and blonde locks were caught on your nails, but you didn't care. All you wanted was to make sure he was okay.

"Are you alright?" you asked, your voice filled with concern.

Kazutora looked up at you, his eyes filled with pain and exhaustion. He nodded weakly, but you could tell that he was far from alright. You could see the bruises on his face and the cuts on his arms, evidence of the constant abuse he had been subjected to.

As you helped him to his feet, you could feel his body trembling. He was weak and barely able to stand, but he refused to show any signs of weakness. You admired his strength and resilience, even in the face of such cruelty.

Kazutora could see the wordy on your face "I'll be fine" he muttered, trying to reassure you.

But you could see the pain in his eyes and you knew that he was just trying to be strong for your sake.

"No, this is because of me" you cried, feeling guilty for not being able to protect him. "I should have gone with him"

Kazutora hugged you tightly, trying to comfort you. "Don't say that" he said. "It's not your fault. And it doesn't hurt, see?" He got up and tried to move his limbs, but a small whine of pain escaped his lips. He quickly covered it up, not wanting to worry you even more.

"Yeah" you said, tears streaming down your face. "But I saw the way my dad-that man" kazutora corrected himself "the way that man looked at you"

Kazutora's expression darkened "What did he do to you before, if you don't mind me asking?"he asked, his voice filled with anger and concern.

You looked away, not wanting to relive the painful memories. "He...he took it from me" you whispered, your voice barely audible.

"Took what?" Kazutora asked, his grip on your arms tightening.

"My virginity" you said, tears falling freely now.

Before Kazutora could respond, the door to your cell was roughly opened. A white-haired boy was thrown in, grunting in pain as his chin hit the floor. You and Kazutora recognized him as the same boy you saw causing a commotion in the cafeteria the other day.

Kazutora spoke up before you could, asking the boy if he was okay. The boy gave you both a dirty look before crawling into the corner of the cell and resting his head against the wall. "Am okay" he muttered, clearly not wanting to talk to either of you.

You and Kazutora exchanged a look, both knowing that the boy was just trying to hide his pain. You couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie with him, knowing that you were all in this together.

Next chapter you will meet the main villain

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