By the tree

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"What's your name?" You asked as the white haired boy ignored you, sighing you stood up, hearing the loud footsteps outside your cell.

"don't bother, he isn't like us y/n, he doesn't want company" kazutora told you as you smiled, "yeah I guess"

The door to your cell opened as the same man from before walked in, his eyes vastly blinking as he must have got something in his eye.

"Damnit" he spoke as he placed his finger under his eyelid, covering his scar, trying to get whatever the intrusion is out.

"C'mon" the man spoke as you and kazutora followed him.

You halted as you realized the white haired boy wasn't following.

"Izana! Let's go" the man spoke as 'izana' grunted and got up.

"Shut up, I'm coming" izana growled as he followed behind you both.

As you four walked in the hallway you heard a loud yell.


Turning around you saw Karin walking over to the four of you.

"What Karin" 'takeomi' answered as she flipped her hair as she pushed you, walking past you she stood next to takeomi.

"That stupid brother of yours won't calm down" she said in a hush whisper.

"How are we Ment to put him with everyone else if we won't stop screaming" she spoke as she stared at izana, giving him a look of disgust.

"You can't blame him, haruchiyo hasn't had his pill, he's an addict" takeomi sighed as he looked at the three of you.

"Come on" he rather loudly grunted as you three began following him.

You noticed the way izana looked at Karin as if she was a speck of dust as he walked past her.

Slowing down you walked next to izana, whispering "I don't like her either, that old bitch put some random dead persons remains on me" you cringed at the memory.

"Okay and?" Izana questioned, giving you the cold shoulder.

'Ouch' you thought as you shrugged it off, trying to converse with him, you spoke again, "want to sit with us?"

Sighing izana nodded as kazutora grinned.

"SHUT UP" takeomi yelled as he opened the cafeteria door for you three.


Your legs were burning as you and Kazutora continued to run through the building.

The harsh wind whipped against kazutora skin, making tears stream down Kazutora's golden eyes.

His black and blonde locks were getting in his face, causing him to stop every so often to push them away.

But you couldn't help but smile at the determination on his face.

"He's fast" Kazutora yelled, his voice barely audible over the wind, talking about Izana, who was way ahead of you both.

You nodded in agreement, trying to keep up with his pace. Suddenly, your attention was drawn to someone sitting in front of a tree.

They were an odd sight, with glasses and horribly dyed blonde hair.

Their eyes were an unnatural shade of purple. Next to them stood a taller man, with spiked black hair and a single strand of blonde.

As you got closer, you noticed tattoos on each of his hands, but you couldn't make out what they were.

Ignoring the strange pair, you continued to run. "Hey, Kazutora" you spoke, trying to catch your breath.

Kazutora turned to you, slowing down a bit. "Yeah?" he asked.

You pointed at the men next to the tree. "Why don't they have to run"

Kazutora shrugged, his expression unreadable. "I don't know" kazutora honesty replied.

You nodded and followed him, still feeling curious about the mysterious men.


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