Change of plans

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You, Izana, and Kazutora had been staying in a small, cramped room at the rehabilitation center for the past few days. The room was cold and bare, with no furniture or carpet. It felt like a prison cell and you couldn't wait to get out of there.

As you were sitting on the floor, talking with your friends, the door suddenly swung open, making all of you jump back in surprise. Takeomi.

"Alright, let's move you to your actual rooms" he said, gesturing for the three of you to stand up.

"Actual rooms?" Izana repeated, confused.

Takeomi nodded. "You didn't think we would keep you in this room forever, did you?"
"I don't want to be away from y/n you heard kazutora humbled.

You looked around the room, realizing that it was one of the worst cells in the center. Being in a rehabilitation center for troubled youth, you had expected it to be bad, but this was worse than you could have imagined.

"We have a proper room for you, with beds and furniture" Takeomi continued, noticing your shocked expressions.

You all stood up eagerly, ready to leave the cold, cramped room behind. But as Takeomi led you down the hallway, you couldn't help but feel a little nervous. What if this 'actual room' was just as bad as the one you were currently staying in?

"You get to meet your new roommates" Takeomi said with a smile, "please don't start a commotion, try to get along with em, don't give me more work" motioning towards the two boys who where standing next to you.

You frowned, feeling disappointed. "So we aren't going to be together?"

"I want to be with y/n! Let me be with my y/n" kazutora cried as you looked at him.


'Oh my god' you thought! 'you started to realize why he had been so nice to you'

Takeomi shook his head. "You are one girl with two guys, ain't no way we can keep it this way. We don't want any of you getting too close and causing any problems."

Your shoulders slumped as you realized that you would no longer be staying with your friends. You had grown close to them over the past few days and the thought of being separated was upsetting.

As Takeomi led you, Izana, and Kazutora through the hallways, The idea of moving to a different room with strangers filled you with a sense of unease and apprehension.

The three of you followed Takeomi down a dimly lit corridor, the only sound echoing through the empty hallways was the soft shuffle of your footsteps on the linoleum floor. Finally, he stopped in front of a door and turned to face you with a smile.

"Welcome to your new home," he said cheerfully as he opened the door to reveal a cozy room with three neatly made beds lined up against one wall. The room was small but inviting, with warm lighting and colorful curtains that fluttered gently in the breeze.

You felt a wave of relief wash over you as you stepped inside, taking in the sight of your new living space. It was nothing like the cold, sterile cell you had been confined to before. This room felt like a sanctuary, a place where you could finally relax and let down your guard.

As Takeomi introduced you to your new roommates – two girls who greeted you warmly with smiles and open arms.

"Hi, I'm hinata, tachibana hinata" a small girl with ginger ish, reddish hair smiled at you, she had pink eyes, and her hair was short.

She had a mole under her lip, it looked pretty, it remainder you of kazutora.

'You still couldn't believe he liked you'

"Hi it's nice to meet you, I'm y/n l/n" you smiled as she smiled back at you, "this is shiba Yuzuha" hinata introduced you to your other roommate.

Her hair was of the same colour as Hinatas, although lighter. On the contrast her eyes where slightly darker then Hinatas.

And as you settled into your new surroundings, surrounded by friendly faces and welcoming hearts, you realized that sometimes change can lead to unexpected blessings.

"You can have the bed in the middle y/n" Yuzuha smiled as you grinned "thanks"


As Takeomi led Izana and Kazutora into their new quarters, the tension in the air was palpable. The room felt suffocatingly small as they entered, and a lone figure sat on the bed, his gaze dark and brooding.

Kazutoras eyes twitched as he stared at the boy, 'I've seen him so where?'

"Little brother, your roommates are here," Takeomi announced, breaking the heavy silence that hung in the room.

The boy on the bed looked up sharply, his eyes filled with defiance. "You ain't my brother," he spat out bitterly.

Kazutora couldn't help but grin as he recognized the familiar face before him. "I thought I recognized you! You're that guy who was sitting outside a few days ago. Y/n thought you were an old block," he chuckled, trying to lighten the mood.

The boy on the bed nodded slightly, his guard still up. "I'm Sanzu," he introduced himself curtly.

Kazutora extended a hand towards him. "I'm Kazutora, and this is Izana." He gestured to his companion beside him.

Sanzu eyed them warily before finally speaking again. "Alright"


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