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In the dimly lit confines of their prison cell, you sat in silence, your thoughts weighed down by the burden of uncertainty. Hinata's gentle voice broke through the heavy air, her concern evident in her soft words. As she gazed at you with kind eyes, a small smile gracing her lips, you couldn't help but feel a flicker of warmth amidst the darkness that surrounded you.

"I'm fine, Hinata," you replied, mustering up a smile to reassure her. "Call me hina!" She smiled as you nodded, But deep down, the weight of your predicament bore heavily on your shoulders.

With Izana and Kazutora separated from you, trapped in different parts of this unforgiving prison, the path to freedom seemed shrouded in uncertainty.

As you pondered your next move, thoughts swirled in your mind like leaves caught in a whirlwind. Should you confide in Hinata and Yuzuha about your plan to break out? Would they be willing to lend their aid without hesitation? Or should you wait until Izana and Kazutora were within reach to discuss the risky escape plan?

The walls seemed to close in around you as time ticked by relentlessly. The faint echo of footsteps outside your cell only served to heighten your anxiety. Every passing moment felt like an eternity as you grappled with indecision.

Hinata's voice cut through the silence like a ray of light piercing through the darkness. "Do you have any siblings y/n?" she asked, her head tilting in curiosity as you leaned against the cold white walls.

You shook your head slightly, a wistful smile playing on your lips. "No, but I wished I did," you replied softly, your gaze drifting towards Yuzuha who sat on her bed, the dirty white covers barely concealing her slender frame.

"What about you, Yuzuha?" you asked gently, prompting her to share her own story. She looked up at you with sad eyes, strands of ginger hair falling over her face like a curtain of sorrow.

"I had an older brother," Yuzuha began quietly. "He passed away... my younger brother Hakkai had to make a difficult decision to protect me from him. He was abusive towards us, and Hakkai took it upon himself to end it all. He did it for me... so I took the blame."

A heavy silence hung in the air as Yuzuha's words settled around you like a shroud of grief. You reached out to touch her hand in silent solidarity, offering comfort in the face of such pain.

"I'm sorry," you whispered softly, feeling the weight of Yuzuha's burden pressing down on both of your hearts.

Turning to Hinata, you posed the same question that had started this conversation. "Hina, do you have any siblings?"

She nodded slowly, a flicker of emotion crossing her features before she spoke. "His name is Naoto... he's a year younger than me."

As you, Hinata, and Yuzuha settled down in the comfy yet cold cell, the door creaked open. Karin walked in, her blonde hair swaying with each move she made. You crunched your nose up in disgust as you caught a whiff of the cigarette between her fingers.

"Come on, it's time for you three to have yard time," Karin spoke, her voice cutting through the silence of the cell. Reluctantly, you followed her out to the garden, Hinata skipping ahead with childlike joy.

"I didn't know we had free time," you remarked as Yuzuha nodded in agreement.

"You don't get it during your first week here," Yuzuha explained with a smile. "That's why you never had this before."

The garden was a small oasis within the confines of their prison walls. The sun cast a warm glow over the flowers and trees that lined the pathway. Hinata twirled around like a ballerina, her laughter echoing through the air.

As you walked alongside eachother, a sense of freedom washed over you despite being surrounded by towering walls and barbed wire fences. The fresh air filled your lungs as you took in the beauty of nature that seemed so out of place in this dreary place.

Karin watched from afar, her eyes softening at the sight of three young souls finding solace in an otherwise bleak existence. She flicked her cigarette butt onto the ground and leaned against a tree, silently observing as Hinata picked wildflowers and Yuzuha sat by a pond, lost in thought.

she couldn't help but be consumed by thoughts of her daughter, Emma. Emma was the same age as you, and Karin longed to see her once more. However, fate had cruelly separated them when Karin left Emma in the care of her father's side of the family.

Rumors had reached Karin's ears that Shinichiro, Emma's half brother, had passed away. She wondered what had become of Manjiro, Emma's elder brother by a year. Was he preparing for marriage now that he had reached a suitable age? Karin pondered these questions as she tended to the delicate roses in the garden.

Takemichi, He was one of Manjiro's friends, Emma's grandfather had told her that Takemichi revealed that he was soon to be married to his beloved girlfriend and had already made preparations for their union.

But that was some time ago, and she had yet to receive more details.

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