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The Elevator door opened and there was a huge push of people from the inside as all of them wanted to head out,

I tried to step out too but I stumbled on the edge off the elevator which was a bit raised from the ground level and my pencil heel didn't help in the situation, as it twisted making me lose all my balance, Jungkook was still near me as he tried to hold me from falling on my back, I clutched his shirt with both of my hands for support but the gush of people hadn't ended and then 

Jungkook had a push from the back AGAIN as he placed one of his hand on the wall behind me for support while his face pushed closer to me....

So close that it shouldn't have been, so close that something wrong happened, so close that his lips touched mine. They were soft.

And suddenly everything paused.

People stopped hurdling in OR out.

The ground floor got occupied with silence in a split second

All eyes on us.

The people near were shocked

The people far were absolutely understanding something very wrong

And absolutely the cameras of some extra legends were out.

All this shit happened in mere 5 second while it took us a few more to stand back on our feet but what had to be done was already done.

We looked so inappropriate in that position that I myself would not believe that it was an accident... but the truth is that it was!

I was in trance for a while from which I broke when I heard yelling.

Jungkook- "CAN'T YA'LL DO ANYTHING IN A CIVILIZED MANNER???!!!" It was him who yelled.

As he yelled people started dispersing from there while I noticed the stinging pain in my ankle, something bad happened to it for sure!

It has been merely a day since our wedding and things have already started to take a rollercoaster.

Jungkook- "Umm.... o-okay.... T-that was the absolutely worst situation that we could put ourselves i-in."

I nodded as I massaged my temples.

Jungkook- "Let's get out of here ASAP"

I was still holding the wall for support as my foot hurt like hell!

I still agreed and walked while limping as both mine and Jungkook's phone began to ring at the same time, we looked at each other nervously and then the phone...

IT WAS HIS DAD! and a conference call to both of us as we nervously picked it up.

His dad- "IN.MY.CABIN.NOW."

we gulped out of terror but somehow me and Jungkook reached his cabin while me limping or leaning on Jungkook half of my way.

Then we entered the gates of hell.

His father was looking visibly pissed.

His dad- "What did you do this time Jungkook??!"

Jungkook- "Dad I swear it was pure accident"

His dad- "And no one will ever believe that! the pictures are all over the social media now"

Jungkook and me- "WHAT!!"

His dad- "Jungkook I am trying so hard to fix your reputation make people have trust in you, make a sincere image of you in public... BUT YOU! ARE A NUISANCE! NOT EVEN CAPABLE ENOUGH TO TAKE ONE RESPONSIBILITY"

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