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The following days went by so fast that we didn't even had time to eat or sleep properly. The usual office work needed to be done along with the preparations of the event. I also had to participate in the activities of my own team. But still I liked it this way, I like to be so busy that I don't need to think about anything. Our team decided to set up a cupcake stall. As it was the only thing most of the members were good at... including me.

Jungkook too agreed nonchalantly. Another one of our team is Jessica and she is in the marketing department, she gave some really cool ideas. Of creating some spooky cupcakes or some of weird flavors and also create some with chits inside them that gave different prizes.

Well, whenever we were involved in the preparations of the event a certain someone always had the keen interest to creep into our room leaving her own team.

Of course Ari......

But I don't have much problem with that, the real problem is.... she is back bitching about me to my own team members. I sure have a problem with that! and I want to confront her too but... I don't have a proof to accuse her even though I heard her myself. But I really thought she had why is she being like this?

"Mishil, have you seen my charger?" Jungkook came to ask in a hurry.

"In your laptop bag." I answered.

"And where is-" He continued to ask something as I cut him off "It is on the fourth shelf of your cabin's cupboard."

"And...YES have you seen-" He was again going to ask something "The new guidelines? I sent them to be printed and distributed already" I gave a quick reply again.


Mishil's eyes were fixated on her computer screen the whole time, while she answered all of my questions before I even asked them.

What is she? A superhuman?

even though all of my queries were solved I stood by her desk as her earrings caught my attention.

They were the ones she was wearing that day.... the day I tried so hard to forget.

The day she was drunk and wasted... I was too locked in the moment.

"Jungkook is there something else you want to as-"

"Mishil, please don't wear these earrings again." the words came out of my mouth as I sprinted away from her as fast as I could.

I entered my cabin, closed the door and squinted my eyes as I took deep breaths. I tried to forget so hard. I thought as clutched my hairs in frustration.

In a while Ari barged into my room and sat on my chair as if it was her own.

But this was one of the things that I fell for. Her boldness.

I didn't say anything as I waited for her to speak up while I was retrieving my charger from where Mishil said it was.

"I am going to a grand celebrity event tonight. It is arranged by a brand I model for." She spoke.

"That's great Ari it will give you a good exposure." I spoke with not much emotions as I was a bit distracted.

"There will be many male actors. Some even tried to approach me in the past. The event will be night long, there will be alcohol. You aren't disapproving?" Ari asked with a slightly unamused face.

"You are an adult Ari... and I am not a collage boy getting jealous over such professional things." I replied.

"But you used to get jealous. And I found that endearing." She spoke while placing her face in her palms and resting her elbows on my table.

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