Bonjour, Mr. Singh

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"Cut the crap, Sana," I sighed in exhaustion.

"Oh, come on! I thought you were my friend," she accused.

"I still am."

"Really? That's why I had to hear about you losing your job from someone else."

"I was stressed out, okay? I didn't even have the energy to pick up the phone. It's not a personal attack on our friendship, just life hitting hard."

Sana, in a slightly more serious tone, said, "Yeah yeah, I get it. Don't make it a habit, though. If you're going through something, it's crucial to talk about it and get it out of your system."

"I understand," I replied slowly.

"You better. Anyway, if you need any help, you know who to call," she said, her words carrying a sense of support.


"You slick bastard," she laughed warmly from the other end.

I cracked a smile and spoke softly, "Thanks, you know. I really needed to talk to someone."

"Of course you did, dude. You can't go all ninja, keeping everything bottled up inside. You ain't no Naruto."

"Naruto? Where did that come from out of nowhere?" I asked, totally perplexed.

"Well, you know how he is, right? Concealing all his pain, pretending to make others smile while his heart is breaking all the time." She sighed. "I understand you're not into anime, so let's simplify it. Don't be a people pleaser. Don't force a smile. Although terms like 'depression' and 'emotional instability' might not be commonly acknowledged, they are real." She passionately conveyed her thoughts on this for at least 10 minutes.

"Got it," I affirmed.

"One more thing, never do something you'll regret for a lifetime. Avoid hasty decisions that could burden you with tons of guilt in the future. Guilt is the heaviest burden one can carry," she stressed, emphasizing the impact of guilt.

"Yeah, wasn't planning a John Wick move on them anyway. Revenge for being wronged isn't my style."

She pondered for a moment and responded, "Yeah, that's not your style."

"Absolutely, it wasn't. But now, it's personal. Getting fired will have an impact on those I hold dear, and that's something I can't let happen. In tough times, even a squirrel can become formidable."

"What's your game plan, my guy? It looks like you're scheming something."

"Oh, I am," I replied, a malicious edge in my voice. "I'm going to rope in a celebrity to become the face of their company. Once I do that, Oberoi won't have a choice but to beg for me to come back."

"Seriously? That's your plan?" She practically screamed in disappointment, and I instinctively covered my ears at the pitch.

"Yeah, what's up with that?"

"I have a better idea. Why not just bow down and start licking his expensive boots? It'll save you all the effort and time," she said flatly.

"You want me to sink that low?" I raised my voice, trying to sound intimidating.

"Exactly my point, Singh. That guy kicked you out without bothering to listen to your side of the story, and you're going through all this just to get back in. I expected more from you." She remarked, making a disapproving sound.

"So, what's your brilliant suggestion? It's the start of the month, bills are knocking, and the bank won't be moved by a heartwarming story of my jobless plight. I can't just stroll in and say, 'Hey, I need all my savings because I got kicked out of my job.' That's not the banker's favorite excuse, you know," I grumbled, my raven eyes flashing with frustration.

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