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I paused, grappling with the rush of emotions and thoughts swirling inside me. There was no denying the love and longing I felt for Kabir, but the weight of the moment and its implications made my mind race with uncertainty.

"Kabir, I..." I started, but my words trailed off, leaving a silence that hung heavy between us. It wasn't that I didn't want to marry him; in fact, the idea filled me with warmth and hope. But rushing into such a significant decision felt daunting, especially with the hurdles we still needed to overcome.

His understanding gaze softened the edges of my doubts. "You need time, I understand," he whispered, his voice tinged with a hint of disappointment. "And, well, let's be honest, this hospital isn't exactly the most romantic place for a marriage proposal, is it?"

My heart lightened at his gentle humor, a small smile playing on my lips. His ability to find levity in such a moment filled me with warmth and reassurance.

I reached out, my palm brushing against his cheek tenderly. "Hey, look at me," I urged gently, waiting until his gaze met mine. "It's not about not wanting to marry you. I would marry you with rings made of paper if I had to. But there are things we need to work through, wounds that need healing between us. And, well, there's the fact that gay marriage isn't legal in India."

A soft smile played on his lips,"I'll give you the time you need to mend and think," he assured me. "And who said we have to get married in India?"

I blinked in surprise, caught off guard by his suggestion.

"I was thinking maybe in the UK?" He echoed, a glimmer of excitement mingling with the uncertainty. "It's snowy there, cold, and nice."

I gazed at him, touched by his forward thinking. "You're already thinking that far ahead?"

His gaze dropped, a hint of vulnerability in his eyes. "All these months without you, they taught me something," he confessed softly. "I can't imagine my life without you anymore, Aryan. You've become an integral part of me, and not having you felt like losing everything. It was a dark time, and I felt like I had nothing to hold onto. That's why..." His voice faltered, emotions catching in his throat. "That's why I made those decisions."

My heart clenched at his words, the weight of his pain palpable in the air. "Kabir," I whispered, my voice filled with concern and love, "you could have reached out to me. We could have talked through it, together."

He pursed his lips, his expression a mix of regret and longing. "Maybe," he added after a pause, "I didn't have the courage. How do you contact someone whose heart you broke? How do you reach out to someone who's been there for you selflessly, only for you to betray them in every way possible? How do you talk to someone whose mere voice makes you ache for them?"

I playfully nudged him, trying to lighten the mood. "Don't get all deep and philosophical on me now," I teased, a hint of affection in my tone. "I might start crying, and that's a new habit I've developed, courtesy of someone." I glanced at him, waiting for his reaction.

His gaze softened, filled with remorse. "I'm sorry," he whispered, his voice tinged with sincerity.

I reached out, intertwining our fingers. "No apologies now," I insisted, a small smile tugging at my lips. "You just proposed to me, remember? No backing out. And about the marriage, I'll have to talk it over with my mom. If we're going to the UK, we'll go as a family, right? Or do you want a secret spy marriage?"

"Anything you prefer," he answered softly, his eyes filled with love.

"Well," I trailed off, a smile playing on my lips, "Anything works for me, as long as it's you by my side." I looked at him with a warmth in my eyes, my fingers gently ruffling his uncut hair. "By the way, what's with the messy look, Kabir?"

He smiled softly, a hint of sadness in his eyes. "I don't know, I just didn't feel like taking care of myself."

"And here I was, imagining every day that you must have found a new partner or something," I teased lightly, trying to lighten the mood.

He shook his head, a small smile gracing his lips. "It's always been you," he admitted, his voice filled with sincerity. "For me."

"So, you're playing the long game, huh?" I grinned, feeling a rush of affection for him.

He nodded, his gaze filled with warmth. "You're my endgame," he declared, his words wrapping around us like a promise of eternal love.

We sat there, our hearts entwined in a dance of emotions. The air between us seemed to shimmer with the unspoken promise of forever. I leaned closer, my eyes reflecting the love I felt for him. "You know," I whispered, "I've always dreamed of a future with you."

His eyes met mine, a softness washing over his features. "Me too," he murmured, his fingers gently tracing patterns on my hand. "I never thought I'd find someone who completes me the way you do."

A tender silence enveloped us, filled with unspoken vows and dreams shared. "Do you think we can make it work?" I asked hesitantly, my heart fluttering with hope.

He smiled, a certainty shining in his eyes. "With you by my side, I know we can conquer anything."

And in that moment, as we sat together, our hearts beating as one, I knew that our love was not just a fleeting moment but a timeless journey, filled with endless possibilities.

Our journey began as strangers, but it's destined to end with us as husbands. Perhaps that's how fate intended it, weaving drama and tension into our story, only to gift us the sweetest reward: each other's unwavering love for a lifetime.

It's undeniable—some matches are simply made in heaven. Why else would an engineer and a cricketer fall in love in such an unexpected yet beautiful way? Our love story is a testament to the magic of fate and the power of love to overcome any obstacle.

As we embark on this journey together, hand in hand, I know that our love will only grow stronger with each passing day. Here's to us, to our love that defies all odds, and to a future filled with endless happiness and cherished moments as partners.

And so, our story comes to its beautiful conclusion, marking the beginning of countless others yet to unfold. 

So here's to us, to the end of this story and the beginning of all others yet to be written. May our love continue to light our path, guiding us through life's joys and challenges, hand in hand, forevermore.

‐-------------------------The End--------------------------

Alright then, so now that we have come to the end of Wickets and Widgets, comment to your heart's content and tell me how you liked it? This is my first book, so it means a lot to me and yeah, I did cry a little whilst writing this chapter. So, this pretty much marks the end of this book.

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