Heavy Cloak

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As I slowly opened my eyes, they felt heavy and my head buzzed with confusion. Blinking away the haze, I focused on the stark white ceiling above me. A sharp sting drew my attention to red burn marks on my hands, prompting a whispered "Ah" as I felt the burning sensation course through my body.

"Ah, you're awake," came a voice from my right. I turned my gaze to find Kabir, his expression a mix of relief and exhaustion, evident in the bags under his eyes. With a slow movement, I extended my right hand, the uninjured one, and placed it on his hand. He leaned down, pressing a gentle kiss to my hand.

"I'm okay, just a little shaken," I murmured, my voice slightly croaky.

He nodded, but his features soon creased into a frown. "Can you explain why you thought it was wise to run toward the fire-prone area?" His eyes glistened with unshed tears. "I thought I'd lost you."

"I was trying to save Sana from the fire," I whispered, wincing at the sharp pain that shot through me. "But she wasn't in her room. We have to find her," I added slowly.

"Can you focus on me, just this once, and set aside thoughts of my sister?" He whispered, his gaze locked on mine.

"But she's..." I started, trailing off.

A soft humming voice caught my attention, and my eyes widened further, if that was even possible. There sat Sana in a wheelchair, a smile gracing her lips as she looked at me. Beside her, holding the chair, was Raghav, his expression solemn.

"S-Sana?" I croaked out, disbelief coloring my voice.

"It's me, Singh," she replied weakly but with a hint of humor. "Imagine waking up after a week and finding you unconscious," she added, concern evident in her tone.

As I attempted to sit up, Kabir's hand gently but firmly held me down. His expression was a mix of sadness and anger, his eyes reflecting the weight of the situation.

"Why?" I insisted, my stubbornness pushing against his caution.

Kabir glanced towards Sana and Raghav, silently signaling for them to step out of the room. They left without a word, sensing the gravity of the moment.

Turning back to me, Kabir's face scrunched up with emotion. "What do you mean, why? You've been burned, don't you realize?" I started to protest, but he cut me off. "Okay, I know you're strong, but think about me. I'm not," he said with a tremor in his voice.

"I'm sorry," I whispered in return.

"My sister had been in a coma for days, and now you, my love, are here after a fire. I can't handle the constant fear of losing the only people I hold close to my heart. It's unbearable. Imagine how I felt when I received that call from the police, hearing that you were hurt in a fire. It felt like my breath was taken away." His heartfelt words resonated deeply, stirring a mix of emotions within me.

I reached out to touch Kabir's cheek with my unburnt hand, but he stepped back, avoiding my touch. His eyes held a mixture of pain and determination.

"This underworld mess, it belongs to Sana," he began, his voice heavy with sorrow. "I don't want you to get hurt anymore. Please, don't interfere in her affairs from now on. It's my final decision. Let Sana deal with the consequences of her actions; don't get dragged into it, or else..." He trailed off, unable to finish the sentence.

"Or else what?" I pressed, my voice trembling with uncertainty.

"I'll have to end whatever this is between us," Kabir spoke softly, his gaze filled with sadness as he turned away from me. It was a heartbreaking moment, the weight of his words settling heavily on my heart.

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