Unknown Number

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Three months had passed since the last chapter. Aryan now worked at a small IT firm in town, sharing a home with his mother and their two lively pups. Life seemed stable, financially secure, but he couldn't shake off the persistent sadness and loneliness that lingered from Kabir's absence. Not a single message or call had come from Kabir, leaving him feeling lost and deeply saddened.

"Hey Aryan, could you please send those files to the boss? It's urgent," Shiva asked, adjusting his glasses and tapping away on his laptop.

"Sure thing, just need to tidy up the source code a bit. It's a bit messy," I replied, focusing on the screen.

"You're the tech expert here. Work your magic," he quipped with a friendly smile.

I chuckled and delved into fixing the code. After about thirty minutes, I sent the refined files to the boss.

"Done?" He leaned over, looking relieved.

"Yep, all sorted," I confirmed, stretching my fingers.

"Finally! Now we can head home. That file kept us here longer than expected," He remarked, patting my back appreciatively. "You really saved me from extra hours at work. Thanks a lot."

"You're giving me too much credit," I replied awkwardly.

"No way, man," he insisted with a grin. "If I had to pull an all-nighter here, my girlfriend would have my head. Promised her a date, you know? Catch you later." With a wave, he headed out with his bag.

Watching him leave, I sighed and leaned back in my chair. "Everyone seems to be enjoying their love lives," I murmured, a touch of longing in my voice.

Unlocking my phone with hopeful anticipation, I navigated to WhatsApp, yearning for a message from that special contact, only to be greeted by an empty screen that echoed disappointment. With a heavy sigh escaping my lips, I murmured in a mix of anguish and confusion, "Kabir, why do you test me like this? What purpose does it serve to hurt me so deeply?" With a final lock of the phone, I rose from my seat, a sense of resignation settling over me as I logged off from the company account, slung my office bag over my shoulder, and headed out for home.

Just as I reached for the door, Kriti's cheerful voice cut through my thoughts, drawing my attention. "Hey, guess what?" she exclaimed.

"Let me guess, you've found yourself a boyfriend?" I replied, attempting a playful tone.

"Absolutely!" Her eyes danced with excitement. "How did you figure it out?"

My voice carried a hint of wistfulness as I responded, "Well, it seems like everyone around here has found their match; why would you be any different?"

Her tone turned playful. "Oh, come on! You could find someone too, you know. Want me to introduce you to a few?"

I shook my head, a touch of melancholy in my eyes. "Love isn't really my thing," I confessed, the unspoken "anymore" echoing silently within me.

She sighed lightly. "Hmm, fair enough," she said with a mock pout. "Heading home?"

"Yep," I replied, a mix of resignation and acceptance in my voice.

"Why not join us?" She pointed excitedly to the group of 5-6 people gathered around the round table. "We're heading out to a restaurant."

"Well, I..." I began, but she swiftly cut me off.

"Come on, it'll be a blast," she urged, her enthusiasm infectious. "You don't have any other plans, do you?"

I shook my head. "Not really, no."

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