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[This is the morning scene from the day Aryan risked himself to save Sana from the fire but got hurt himself.]

After a practice session on the field, we were all gathered around a table enjoying breakfast. Hardik slid into the seat next to me with a curious expression.

"Hey, what's with the constant smile these days?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

I glanced at him, feigning innocence. "Oh, just feeling good, you know."

Ishan, sitting across from us, couldn't resist chiming in, "You've been grinning like a lovesick puppy. Got a secret crush?"

A genuine smile tugged at my lips at the mention of lovesickness. I recalled Aryan's infectious happiness, which had definitely rubbed off on me.

Hardik, always one for drama, announced to the table, "Looks like our Kabir is finally off the market!"

Siraj's eyes lit up. "Seriously? About time!"

Yashasvi leaned in eagerly. "Come on, spill the details! Who's the lucky person?"

Shubman, ever the skeptic, looked at me with amusement. "Kabir and dating? I call bluff."

Ishan playfully nudged him, "Stop trying to turn this into a two truth, one lie game show, Shubman. Let the man have his mysteries."

I glanced around at their eager expressions, each pair of eyes filled with curiosity. Swallowing nervously, I debated whether to reveal the truth or keep it to myself.

Hardik gave me a reassuring pat on the back. "Come on, buddy, spill the beans. We've got your back, no judgments here."

Ishan chimed in, "And who knows, we might have some valuable advice to offer for keeping your special someone happy."

Taking a deep breath, I decided to rip off the band-aid. "It's Aryan," I said, bracing myself for their reactions.

Their eyes widened in surprise. "Aryan? The guy from the fanfiction?" they exclaimed in unison.

"Could we refrain from calling him the fanfiction guy?" I requested with a hint of exasperation.

Siraj couldn't contain his disbelief. "Wait, so the rumors were true? You two are actually dating?"

"Yeah, and we even became the virtual audience on your wedding night," Ishan teased.

I groaned. "Can we please forget about that story?"

Ishan shook his head, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Sorry, Kabir, but that's a memory we'll cherish forever."

I let out a sigh, "Well, yeah, there's that."

"When's the wedding, by the way?" asked Yashasvi.

"What wedding?" I replied, eyes widening. "We've only been dating for a week."

"Ah," Siraj exclaimed. "Just a week? But didn't we read that fanfic before you started dating?"

I nodded reluctantly.

He smirked, "So, did that steamy night in the fanfic convince you to date him or something?"

I spluttered, "That's nonsense!"

"Kabir, you little pervert," teased Ishan, "I knew you had feelings just like the rest of us. You were just pretending to be innocent."

I widened my eyes, "It's not like that, cut it out, guys."

"Hey, hey, Kabir, I'm your bestie here, right?" Yashasvi said with a smirk.

"Well, I don't like the tone you're using," I replied cautiously.

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