Is Sana Here?

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Hey everyone, I've made some improvements to the chapter I posted yesterday because I wasn't satisfied with it. I've unpublished the previous version, and here's the updated one. This continues from the events following the chapter 'I know everything.' Enjoy.

"You're aware of it?" He stammered, his eyes widening in disbelief.

I simply nodded, maintaining my composure.

"And yet, you're still defending her?" His voice was barely above a whisper, emphasizing the 'her' in a questioning tone.

"Look, you're only seeing one side of the story," I replied, my patience wearing thin. "Sure, she messed up in some ways, but have you ever stopped to think about how a young girl like her ended up in that situation?"

He fell silent, processing my words before narrowing his eyes and murmuring softly, "So, what's the real story then?"

I let out a dramatic sigh, realizing I was about to shatter his image of someone he admired – his own father. I cursed myself internally for getting into this conversation. Here goes nothing.

Our eyes locked, his expression urgent and eager for answers. I leaned in closer, a serious tone in my voice. "Listen, it's crucial that you hear me out without jumping to conclusions. Promise me you'll listen patiently."

"Okay," he agreed, his curiosity piqued.

"Before we begin, though, maybe take a seat," I suggested, settling onto the small couch and gesturing for him to join me. He complied, looking at me with a mix of anticipation and uncertainty.

I took a moment to gather my thoughts before starting, "Let's talk about Sana. Back when she was a child, and you were even younger, she overheard certain noises from your parents' bedroom."

He inquired, "What kind of sounds?" His eyebrows arched in curiosity.

I responded, "Mostly sounds of discomfort, dissent, and cries." I continued, "It seems your mother experienced sexual abuse with your father after their marriage. These incidents lessened as you grew older and more aware. However, Sana, your sister, had been exposed to these situations at a much younger age. Misled by your father's explanations, she mistook these incidents as expressions of love."

I noticed his lips tighten, his breathing halt, and his gaze fall to his lap. Before he could respond, I interjected, "Kabir, I understand that Sana's actions towards you were inappropriate, especially as your sister. But it's crucial to remember that she was also a child, manipulated by the person she considered her protector - her father. Therefore, the blame for the unfortunate circumstances you both endured lies primarily with your father."

"I-I" He began shaking.

"Don't believe me, do you?" I asked softly.

"No, that's not it" He said, "I thought I was imagining things but those were truly happening inside the house, our house."

My astonishment was palpable. "You knew?" I gasped.

"I didn't. Not until Sana was forced to leave," he confessed in a hushed tone. "After she was gone, my mom fell ill, barely responsive, and my dad... well, he seemed normal during the day. But at night, I heard things, unsettling noises that I dismissed as illusions. I blamed it all on Sana because our family fell apart after she left."

His eyes reflected a mix of regret and sorrow. "I was running away from the truth. I wanted to distance myself from them and the reality of our situation. I threw myself into cricket, staying away as much as possible. Then, a few years later, they died in a fire. I thought I'd found peace in solitude, but then..." He trailed off, the unspoken rest hanging heavy in the air.

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