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I remained silent, my gaze fixed on the world outside the window.

"Are you going to ignore me now?" His voice was soft, his steps drawing nearer until he stood beside my bed. Still, I didn't turn to look at him.

His hand found mine, fingers intertwining gently. "I understand if you're upset, but can you blame me for wanting to keep you safe?" His tone was apologetic. "I didn't mean to hurt you."

"Nobody goes looking for trouble," I replied evenly. "Nor do they seek out pain."

"I know," he murmured, his voice tinged with regret. "I'm sorry. I didn't realize the impact of my words until after I said them."

My eyes stung with unshed tears as I finally met his gaze. Hours of frustration and hurt surged within me, finding release at last. "Sorry? Is that all you can say now? Do you think it's easy to end things and then come back as if nothing happened?" My voice trembled with emotion. "You didn't consider how I felt, how neglected and lonely I was after you left. You only saw your pain, never mine."

"Yeah," he said softly, his eyes reflecting genuine remorse. "I'm sorry for everything I said and did. I didn't mean to hurt you. It's just that with you, I..." He trailed off, searching for the right words. "I'm afraid of losing you, like I've lost others before."

"And yet, you push me away over trivial things," I countered, my voice edged with frustration. "So much for not wanting me to leave."

"I'm not perfect," he admitted, his tone tinged with vulnerability. "I'm human, capable of making mistakes. But what matters is that I'm here, trying to make things right before it's too late." He knelt beside my bed, his expression pleading for understanding.

"I swear," I said, meeting his puppy-dog eyes, "If I could stand up right now, I'd probably punch you in the stomach." He looked at me warily, unsure of how to react. "And then," I continued with a mischievous glint, "I'd pin you down and kiss the hell out of you."

"Oh," he said, his mouth slightly agape.

"You're going to catch flies," I remarked, a small smirk playing on my lips.

Sana's sudden interruption caught us off guard, her cough echoing through the room dramatically. "Really, Singh? Right in front of my salad?" she exclaimed with mock indignation.

I couldn't help but smirk. "Well, it's not my fault you decided to crash our impromptu romantic comedy. You should've sensed the couple tension and made a swift exit, you know," I replied, playing along.

She chuckled, her eyes twinkling mischievously. "Anyway, lovebirds, talk it out properly. No fishy shenanigans in the hospital, please," she said, maneuvering her wheelchair to leave the room.

Kabir's cheeks flushed crimson. "Sana, could you please just leave us alone?" he muttered, clearly flustered.

She waved a hand dismissively. "Hasta la vista, gentlemen," she quipped before disappearing down the hallway.

"Wow, that got awkward," I chuckled nervously.

"Yeah," Kabir agreed, his gaze intense.

"What's on your mind?" I asked, sensing his seriousness.

"I'm curious about what you said earlier," he probed, his tone grave.

"Oh, that..." I trailed off, unsure how to explain.

"Yeah, that whole 'I deserved better' speech," he clarified.

I sighed, my gaze dropping to my injured hand. "I guess I just felt overwhelmed. Seeing myself like this... it's hard," I admitted quietly.

His expression softened, understanding dawning in his eyes. "But that doesn't change how I feel about you," he said gently, reaching for my hand once again. "I love you, scars and all."

I gazed into his eyes, my heart heavy with uncertainty. "But what if things change?" I whispered, the fear of the unknown creeping into my voice. "What if these scars alter how you see me?"

Kabir's touch on my hand was gentle yet firm, grounding me in his presence. "They won't change a thing," he said softly, his eyes filled with unwavering love. "To me, these scars are reminders of your strength, of what you've endured and overcome. They're a part of your journey, our journey together, but they don't define you."

Tears welled up in my eyes, moved by his words. "I'm scared, Kabir," I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper. "Scared that these scars will make me less in your eyes."

He brushed a tear away with his thumb, his touch tender. "You could have a thousand scars, and I'd still see the same person I fell in love with," he said, his voice filled with conviction. "You're not defined by what's on the surface. It's your heart, your spirit, and the love we share that matter."

His words enveloped me in a warm embrace, calming my fears like a soothing balm. "I just want us to be okay," I murmured, leaning into his comforting presence.

"We will be," he assured me, a hint of playful humor in his tone. "After all, Vanessa never judged Wade, and he was in a thousand times worse shape than you are."

I gasped in surprise. "You've been watching Deadpool?" I asked, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips.

"You told me I needed to catch up on pop culture," he replied with a chuckle.

"I fucking love you, Kabir," I whispered with a happy grin, feeling a rush of affection.

"I love you too," he replied, his smile reflecting contentment and love.

"I hate this," I muttered, referring to my state, lying in the hospital bed with the stinging pain coursing through my body.

"I know, but you're going to be fine," he said softly, his eyes filled with tenderness.

"Well, I sure hope so. Otherwise, my colleagues might think I've kicked the bucket," I joked, trying to lighten the mood.

"You shouldn't joke about death like that," he gently chided.

"Yeah, you're right," I conceded. "But I can't stand being immobile like this. It makes me feel so helpless, like an old man."

"I understand," he said soothingly, his concern evident.

"Hey, have you been sleeping at all lately?" I asked, noticing the tiredness in his eyes.

He shook his head. "Not really. You were in the hospital, unconscious. How could I rest knowing you were going through all this?"

"Come on, don't stress yourself out too much. I'll bounce back soon," I reassured him.

"Well, to be honest, seeing you after the fire, your hands burnt, your face pale... It threw all logic out the window," he admitted, his voice tinged with emotion.

"You're such a sap," I teased gently.

"For you, always," he replied with a heartfelt sincerity that warmed my heart.

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