What Do You Want?

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"Kabir," I said, taken aback.

"Yes, that's me," he replied, his tone chilly.

"Dude, you did not hear us right?" Raghav asked cautiously, sensing the tension.

Kabir raised an eyebrow. "I heard enough, and whatever I missed, you both will explain."

I tried to ease the situation. "Listen, there's no need to get worked up. It's not as serious as it seems."

"Yeah, doesn't seem like it, judging by how nervous you're acting," Kabir remarked dryly.

"Dude, Aryan's right," Raghav intervened calmly. "The director wants to recast Sana because she'll be in the hospital for a while, and he doesn't want to wait. That's all there is to it."

Kabir leaned in closer, mindful of the patient in the room, but his expression was intense. "That's only part of the story. Someone better start talking right now."

I exchanged a cautious glance with Raghav. We both knew Kabir could be quite intimidating when angered, and we didn't want to face the consequences. I nodded to Raghav, silently urging him to explain.

Raghav cleared his throat and began, "Kabir, the crux of the issue is that Arjun made a questionable comment about having control over Sana, implying some sort of shady advantage. Aryan and I are concerned about what this could mean."

Kabir's gaze fixed on me, his scrutiny palpable. Feeling the weight of his stare, I spoke up, "That's the whole truth, Kabir. And please, can we discuss this without the intense glare?"

He let out a sigh of relief and softened his gaze before speaking, "Whatever plan you guys are hatching, count me in. I'm all for it."

I shook my head vigorously. "Absolutely not, Kabir. You're a public figure, not suited for undercover operations or detective work."

Kabir raised an eyebrow. "But Raghav is famous too."

"True, but that doesn't mean I'm enlisting him either," I retorted. "This is a solo mission for me, guys. You'll just assist with connections and logistics." I couldn't help but channel my inner spy, complete with dramatic flair. I mean, that's how it's done in the movies, right?

"Hey, who died and made you the boss?" chimed Raghav.

"No one died making me the boss," I replied, pausing for effect. "I've been the boss from the get-go, you know." I winked at him playfully.

Kabir stepped in between us, coughing to get our attention. "Raghav, I think Aryan is onto something this time," he began, trying to diffuse any potential arguments. Before I could retort with a witty comment about "this time," Kabir continued, "Let's not interfere with whatever he's planning. Sana is involved in this one."

After a brief moment of contemplation, Raghav nodded in agreement. The room then lapsed into a comfortable silence.

I jumped in with a playful tone, "Hey, totally off-topic, but imagine Sana doing that trend 'My boys won't hesitate to run up on your boys'—except it's us! Her brother, friend, and colleague."

Kabir sighed, giving me an amused look. "You always bring up the most random things out of nowhere."

"Hey, it keeps things interesting!" I retorted with a grin. "You gotta learn to roll with it."

Raghav rolled his eyes while Kabir watched with a fond smile. His gaze softened as he looked at me and whispered, "Always."

Raghav burst into laughter but quickly winced, exclaiming, "Ouch!" as Kabir playfully jabbed him.

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