Face To Face

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"Quick one? Is she supposed to be like the Flash or something?" I raised my eyebrow at him, skeptical.

He smirked back, "That's as far as your imagination goes, isn't it? The 'quick one' refers to someone who can swiftly adapt to any situation. Agastya is quite adept at that."

"You talk about her as if she's some kind of queen or something. She's a criminal, for God's sake," I said, feeling a sinking sensation in my chest.

He regarded me with grave seriousness. "I speak of her like a queen because that's what she is. Agastya has been managing her father's empire since she was just seventeen, shouldering burdens she barely comprehended. She grew up amidst violence but never embraced it until recently. The core reason for Agastya's animosity toward Sana is because she inadvertently pushed her into a life Agastya had always sought to avoid."

I expressed my confusion, "So, is Natasha seeking revenge because she feels Sana is responsible for her father's lack of attention?"

"That reason may be a part of it," He began, his voice carrying a somber tone. He paused, tapping his nails rhythmically on the floor as if lost in memories. "But it's deeper than that. Agastya's hatred for Sana stems from the fact that Sana inadvertently pushed her into the violent world of her father's empire. Agastya, whom I've known since childhood, was never one for violence. She had dreams of peace, yet fate forced her into a realm filled with the echoes of gunfire and the shadows of a dark legacy."

I listened intently as Aditya continued, his gaze fixed downward as he spoke in a softer tone than before. "She never wanted to follow in her father's footsteps, so in a way, Sana's presence saved her from that fate. However, when Sana left, Agastya was left to care for her miserable father, who died with another woman's name on his lips instead of the one who had cared for him all along. That part was bearable for her; she had expected it. What truly shattered her was the burden that fell on her after her father's death. The violence she had been trying to escape caught up to her, and now, that's what she seeks revenge for."

I interjected, "She doesn't have to seek revenge for it; she could choose to end it all right there. Live and let live." However, he responded with a disdainful look.

"Speaking is easy, but the underworld doesn't dance to anyone's tune, shortcake," he muttered. "Agastya despises feeling powerless; the weight of it has warped her mind. Years of relentless pressure have shattered her completely. It's like the saying goes, pressure can either make you or break you. Unfortunately for her, it was the latter. Now, she's fully embraced her role. Back when there was still a chance to save her, no one stepped in to pull her from the brink. And now, with her already consumed by darkness, bystanders casually suggest she let go of her pain and bitterness as if it's a simple task. But who stops to think about the agony she endured all those years, with no one by her side?"

It's heartbreaking to realize that Natasha went through such trials in her life. It's understandable how someone can be driven to darkness after enduring so much pain. She resisted for as long as she could, but eventually, darkness consumed her.

I glanced at Aditya, my voice filled with determination. "There's still hope for her, though. Someone needs to reach out to her, someone she trusts deeply. They can help her see that there's a path to redemption."

"Your plan sounds risky at best. However, if you're set on pursuing it, there's only one person you can turn to - the one she holds closest to her stone heart," he revealed.

I leaned in, intrigued. "Who is it? I'll find them, no matter what."

"They're closer than you think," he said cryptically. "It's someone she's opened up to the most, the only one who's managed to make her smile. A certain individual named Aryan."

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